by logisticsplus | May 12, 2015 | News
If you’re an Amazon retailer or seller, here are 6 steps to getting your product to your FBA warehouse (Fulfillment By Amazon), according to Michael D. Marani, author of The Amazon Sales Formula (available in e-book format on
- Ask your supplier what the weight of each master carton is, and what the dimensions are.
- Ask your supplier for the exact address.
- Ask your supplier to provide you with a quote for your units including shipping. If they ask you if you have a preference, then respond saying that you would like the most affordable option.
- Contact Logistics Plus at and use the weight and dimension information that your supplier provided along with the supplier address to help provide you with an accurate quote. Don’t worry if you miss something important – Logistics Plus will work with you to get the information needed.
- Choose the most affordable option.
- Communicate this choice with your supplier.
In his e-book, Mr. Marani goes on to suggest that some people will disagree with only seeking two options for shipping. However, he is a firm believer that some times too many options can lead to analysis paralysis. If you look hard enough, you can always find somebody cheaper, but if you truly value your time, you’ll quickly realize that you’re going to get quick and fair quote from Logistics Plus, and you’ll be keeping your supplier honest in the process.
Some Amazon sellers like to have their product shipped to their homes or businesses before sending them off to the FBA warehouse. That way they can inspect their product and make sure they received exactly what they ordered. Alternatively, Logistics Plus can provide this same service. If you ask, we will ship your product to one of our many warehouses around the country and then we’ll inspect your product and send you photographs for your review before sending it off to your FBA warehouse. If your order is faulty or not to specifications, you can let your supplier know so that they will be sure not to slack off when fulfilling your next order because they know you’ll be looking!
The Amazon Sales Formula provides additional step-by-step instructions on how best to sell on Amazon. Just remember, when you work with Logistics Plus – we take care of the customs, transportation and logistics so that you can stay focused on selling your products! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at or click the button below to get started.

by logisticsplus | Oct 30, 2013 | News
Our new warehouse in Dallas, TX is open for business. If you have warehousing needs in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, look no further! Contact Jenny Melgert at to discuss what we can do for you.

by logisticsplus | Oct 2, 2013 | News
Logistics Plus Purchases Former Skinner Engine Company Building
Erie, PA, October 1, 2013 – Logistics Plus is the proud new owner of a warehouse located in the former Skinner Engine Company building on 12th Street between Chestnut and Myrtle Streets.
Along with 50,000 square feet of storage space, the secured facility offers spacious offices, bulk storage and racked storage, an inventory control management system, overhead cranes, three recessed loading docks, and grade level doors with inside load/unload capabilities. Logistics Plus already has most of the space filled, although there is still office space available in this central location on busy 12th Street.
This warehouse is a welcome addition to the transportation and supply chain solutions that Logistics Plus already offers, and also helps to revitalize a portion of 12th Street in Erie. By providing the financing, Marquette Savings Bank and the City of Erie were vital partners in this project.
For more information on the history of the building and the Skinner Engine Company, please read the article posted at this link: Old Time Erie.

by logisticsplus | Mar 6, 2013 | News
Erie may not be known for delivering sun this time of year, but Erie’s own Logistics Plus is delivering solar power in a big way. The Mount Signal Solar Farm is the largest solar installation in the world, and Logistics Plus is providing transportation for the solar panels. The first phase of the $636 million three-phase projects is expected to take 9 months and will convert 1,936 acres of low-yielding farmland into a photovoltaic solar farm near Calexico, California. The project will employee 950 workers at the peak of its construction, and the total acreage utilized will be 4,500 when all three phases of the project are completed. A total of 3.1 million solar cells will be transported and installed throughout the project, which will provide electricity to 72,000 households through a 25-year lease agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric. Best of all, this solar farm will provide this energy without introducing 365,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the environment – the amount produced with fossil fuels.
Logistics Plus was selected for this project because of its expertise in international and domestic forwarding and warehousing. It is Logistics Plus’s ability to ensure on-time and affordable deliveries that led to their being picked to handle the transportation for this world-class project that will produce clean energy for years to come.
by logisticsplus | Sep 30, 2011 | News
Logistics Plus recently handled all of the “port to door” transportation, warehousing, and transportation management services for the solar farm in Pilesgrove, NJ. The facility will be able to create enough clean energy to power over 5,100 homes and will create over 100 construction jobs. Pilesgrove Solar is the largest PV facility in the northeastern U.S.
For more information on this project and what we can do for the Solar/Renewable Energy sector, please contact
Michelle Fontaine.