Supply Chain Visibility: Shipment Trackers and Monitoring

Supply Chain Visibility: Shipment Trackers and Monitoring

Shipment Trackers and MonitoringLogistics Plus has partnered with several tracking and visibility technology companies to provide customers with various shipment visibility solutions. We can reduce the risks associated with the movement and handling of high-value shipments by installing multi-sensor trackers with dedicated real-time monitoring.

Our visibility trackers can be used in any domestic, cross-border, or international mode of transportation (air, ocean, road, FTL, LTL, TL, and multimodal) and for asset tracking at yards, warehouses, and project sites. The device sensors detect location (routes, deviations, and geo fence crossing), motion (drop, tilt, shock, and impact), light (door open), pressure (flight detection), and temperature.

Shipment trackers provide the following benefits:

  • Maintain product integrity. Gain real-time visibility of product integrity, giving peace of mind that you’re meeting all quality and regulatory standards at every stage.
  • Predictive ETAs. Get predictive ETAs for all your shipments, so you can take action that results in happier customers.
  • Easier inventory management. Logistics Plus provides upstream and downstream insights with PO-level shipment visibility, simplifying and streamlining inventory planning.
  • Improved carrier management. With a complete network view and data-driven insights, Logistics Plus customers dramatically improve carrier compliance.
  • Dynamic container intelligence. Real-time container visibility and port intelligence help you decrease dwell time and manage hidden and erroneous detention and demurrage fees.
  • Boost supply chain efficiency. From deviation alerts to unified communication, Logistics Plus optimizes manual processes, making it easier for teams to impress customers.

We have both reusable and disposable devices, roughly the size of a smartphone. Let us know if you have a need for this type of service add-on. We often use these trackers on shipments from our multiple U.S. warehouses. We can ship these tracking devices to any location and provide training on the setup process.

We also have lower-cost trackers available for shipments where location and environmental variables are important, but 24/7 professional monitoring and response are not critical.

Contact us to learn more.


Logistics Plus Represented at UiPath Forward Conference

Logistics Plus Represented at UiPath Forward Conference

Forward 5 conference logoLogistics Plus Chief Information Officer (CIO) Emile Zafirov and Director of Development and Integrations Karthik Jagannathan attended the UiPath Forward 5 conference. The event was held at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas from September 27-29. The conference’s motto was ‘Robots Work. People Thrive’ – a focus on reclaiming time for people to do what people do best – serve, get to know and take care of customers better, innovate, and enjoy coming to work every day.

Emile reflected on his experience and thoughts of the conference. “Attending this conference is in continuation of our company’s efforts to allow our operations teams to focus on their clients by reducing mundane manual processes where possible, eliminating the potential for error, and speeding up data processing cycles.” He added, “Not surprisingly, UiPath shares some of the same values and approaches as LP: humble but bold, immersive but fast.”

UiPath Forward conference

Karthik (left) and Emile (right) at the UiPath Forward Conference

About UIPath Forward 5 Conference
Forward 5 is a one-of-a-kind event. It’s part celebration, part automation academy, part community gathering. It’s a place to get the skills you need. A source of inspiration that fuels transformation. A way to connect with like-minded innovators who are driving automation forward. And it’s a forum where we can show our gratitude to the organizations that trust us with their digital transformation.

Emile Zafirov Featured in Article

Emile Zafirov Featured in Article



Emile Zafirov, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Logistics Plus, was interviewed for a recent CIO article titled “Reskilling IT for the cloud” by Mary K Pratt, a contributing writer for CIO. In this interview, Emile discussed the cloud journey of Logistics Plus, the importance of adapting to cloud-focused IT departments, and embracing new tools and systems. Lastly, Emile commented on the current state of information technology (IT) and what changes he envisions ahead.

Read the full article here:

About CIO

CIO attracts the highest concentration of enterprise CIOs and business technology executives with unparalleled peer insight and expertise on business strategy, innovation, and leadership. CIO readers gain key insights on career development for themselves and their employees, including certifications, hiring practices, and skills development, along with a strong foundation in the digital transformation of their businesses.

Logistics Plus Dubai Takes Step Towards Technological Development

Logistics Plus Dubai Takes Step Towards Technological Development

Since inception, the Logistics Plus Dubai (LP Dubai) team has embraced turnkey, innovative technology solutions to ensure efficiency and effective management within the organization. Recently, the LP Dubai team hosted Criterion Technology to introduce and familiarize themselves with the latest innovative software developments and products in the industry. The ultimate goal for LP Dubai was to find a software that will help them achieve all of their business goals.

Criterion Technology introduced LP Dubai to their Zoho One software; a product created by the globally renowned brand Zoho. The software can connect and reconcile bank accounts in minutes to enable account holders to stay on top of their account activities. The Criterion team conducted a three hour live demonstration of the software that highlighted the groundbreaking achievements and capabilities of the Zoho One software. The Zoho CRM and Zoho Project platforms were also focal points of the live demonstration.

According to the Criterion Technology team, one of the best features of the innovative web-based office suite is the Integrated Operations function. “Zoho One software brings ease and speed to Zoho account holders. Zoho accounts, which are already integrated with multiple banks in the UAE, can connect and reconcile bank accounts in minutes,” a member of the Criterion Technology team noted.

Criterion Technology provided the LP Dubai staff with temporary user access for the trial session to allow Logistics Plus a hands-on experience with the software. The experience proved to be valuable and the LP Dubai team looks forward to using the Zoho Projects platform in the near future.

Logistics Plus Dubai


Introduction to the Logistics Plus FF&Eplus™ Management System

Introduction to the Logistics Plus FF&Eplus™ Management System

FF&Eplus™Logistics Plus is a leading supply chain solutions provider for the furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) and the operating supplies and equipment (OS&E) industries. From purchase order to installation, our FF&Plus™ management system is a highly-customizable, turnkey solution for project managers, buyers, designers, and installers.  FF&Eplus™ has been developed through years of experience working with some of the largest, most successful co-working, co-living, and hospitality companies in the world.  Now, it’s part of our growing suite of technology solutions.  Here are some of the many features and benefits FF&Eplus™ offers:

  • Developed in-house by Logistics Plus and customized for each client using our innovative MyLogisticsPlus web platform.
  • Designers can shop from available and incoming inventory in real-time. Bill of Materials functionality is supported.
  • Installers are able to export ‘move-in packages’ to help them with installations.
  • Warehouse associates receive automatic warehouse orders to pick and ship to install sites.
  • Project Managers can track the status of their projects, shipments and SKU’s. They can also manage the budgets at a granular and aggregated level.
  • Cloud hosting for all your documents. Documents for PO’s, Projects and SKU’s can be uploaded and shared with the whole team.
  • Ability to issue PO’s, track statuses and create notices for the warehouses to notify of the incoming inventory.
  • A catalog of approved SKU’s, categories and vendors available for designers to allocate from.
  • The mobile app allows you to scan inventory at the site and warehouse as well as track your shipments.

To learn more about the features of FF&Eplus™, watch the video below or contact us today to schedule a free demo.  Join our growing list of successful, satisfied FF&E clients that have ramped up their speed to market! From P.O. to Install, We Do It All™

To contact us, you can email or complete the short form below.

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