Logistics Plus Sustainability Initiatives

Logistics Plus Sustainability Initiatives

sustainability initiatives

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Logistics Plus has a number of sustainability initiatives in place as we strive for a cleaner world for future generations. We will continuously identify, assess, and manage the elements of our operations that impact the environment. In line with sound business practices we will:

  • Minimize pollution and consumption of fuel, energy, and water where possible
  • Minimize environmental impact when disposing of waste
  • Maintain a management system which establishes goals, responsibilities, monitoring methods and a review process of environmental performance
  • Provide awareness training and job-specific training for employees on environmental issues
  • Consider environmental aspects in all investment and procurement decisions
  • Encourage suppliers and contractors to introduce programs that support our environmental objectives, especially where their activities have a significant impact
  • Support innovation in environmental policy with the involvement of all stakeholders

The SmartWay Transport Initiative
Logistics Plus is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay Transport Partner, and deeply committed to sustainability best-practices. We joined the SmartWay Transport Initiative in 2010 with the goal of reducing our impact on the environment. Each year, performance data is submitted and reviewed to qualify as a SmartWay partner. Since our involvement began, we have demonstrated our commitment to environmental sustainability by receiving SmartWay approval for 9 consecutive years.

The Future of Logistics
Logistics Plus is actively monitoring the progress of electric and energy-efficient modes of transportation as they become available. As part of our commitment to sustainability for future generations, we understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint. As transportation companies continue to adapt and modify their fleets, we promise to utilize the most environmentally friendly transportation options.


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Our Partnership With RIO
Through our previously announced partnership with Restoring Integrity to the Oceans (RIO) – an organization dedicated to making the oceans safe for all life above and below the water for generations to come – Logistics Plus assists with all aspects of supply chain management. This includes the transportation of collected plastic debris, international regulation assistance, cross-border trading, and navigation of customs and global trade compliance. Furthermore, we are committed to using our global network of customers and partners to connect RIO with people who support its mission of restoring integrity to the World’s oceans.

You can watch our RIO partnership video on the Logistics Plus YouTube Channel below.


Logistics Plus Assists With Electricity Transmission Project

Logistics Plus Assists With Electricity Transmission Project

The Logistics Plus Bremen team is proud to have successfully delivered the first shipments for the latest Siemens electricity transmission project in Iraq. In total, Logistics Plus handled 9 power transformers and accessories from the transformer factory site to the port of export.

Siemens is currently building thirteen 132/33kV substations and delivering 35 power transformers as part of their goal for the electrification of Iraq. The goal of this project is to invigorate the country’s electricity transmission and distribution network to support the community and its power grid while leading to sustainable economic development.

Pictures of the transformers and accessories can be seen below.


Logistics Plus Partners With RIO to Restore Integrity to World’s Oceans

Logistics Plus Partners With RIO to Restore Integrity to World’s Oceans


Logistics Plus Partners With RIO to Restore Integrity to World’s Oceans

Restoring Integrity To The Oceans, Inc. is dedicated to making the oceans safe for all life above and below the water for generations to come.

ocean cleanup

ERIE, PA (February 11, 2020) – Logistics Plus Inc., a leading worldwide provider of transportation, logistics and supply chain solutions, is proud to announce its partnership with Restoring Integrity To The Oceans, Inc. (RIO) to support ocean cleanup initiatives.

Logistics Plus, a SmartWay Transport® Partner, aspires to be a leader in environmental sustainability practices. Through its partnership with RIO, Logistics Plus will assist with all aspects of supply chain management. This includes transportation of the plastic debris collected, international regulation assistance, cross-border trading, and navigation of customs and global trade compliance. Logistics Plus is committed to using its global network of customers and partners to connect RIO with people who support its mission of restoring integrity to the World’s oceans.

“Removing plastic waste from the oceans for recycling requires solid logistics and transportation management, and Logistics Plus is proud to be doing its part to help with this commendable initiative,” said Yuriy Ostapyak, Director of Global Operations for Logistics Plus.

RIO has been collecting plastic waste from Earth’s oceans since 2019 at locations around the world. The majority of materials collected can be recycled in some fashion. Some material is recycled directly into new products, such as tennis shoes, while some may be recycled into high value petrochemical products. The largest ocean cleanup to date hosted by RIO was on February 7th and 8th, 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia. An astonishing total of 11,000 people signed up and participated.

“While we talk about different oceans and assign them various names, we really only have one ocean. After decades on the water I could not continue to take from the ocean without giving back and working to protect the oceans for future generations,” said Kieran Kelly, CEO and Co-Founder of RIO.

“Our partnership with RIO is just one of the many important initiatives we are undertaking to support our sustainable development goals,” added Ostapyak.

About Restoring Integrity To The Oceans, Inc.
Restoring Integrity To The Oceans (RIO) primary objective is to mitigate the amount of plastic that is going into the World’s oceans and work to significantly reduce and remove the plastic waste in the major waste collection areas in the World’s oceans. The primary effort for RIO is preventing the introduction of and reclaiming plastic materials from the ocean, which is accomplished through innovative techniques that vary based on the size and concentration of the plastic waste material encountered. Furthermore, RIO has long term plans to develop products directly to help recycle plastic waste material and promote recognition and education for reducing plastic waste in the oceans. Learn more about RIO online at oceansintegrity.org.


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About Logistics Plus Inc.
Logistics Plus Inc. provides freight transportation, warehousing, fulfillment, global logistics, business intelligence technology, and supply chain management solutions through a worldwide network of talented and caring professionals. The company was founded over 23 years ago in Erie, PA by local entrepreneur, Jim Berlin. Today, Logistics Plus is a highly-regarded fast-growing and award-winning transportation and logistics company. With a strong passion for excellence, its 450 global employees put the “plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly, and the countless little things, that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success.

The Logistics Plus® network includes offices located in Erie, PA; Akron, OH; Baltimore, MD; Birmingham, AL; Buffalo, NY; Charleston, SC; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Dallas, TX; Des Moines, IA; Detroit, MI; Fort Worth, TX; Haslet TX; Houston, TX; Laredo, TX; Lexington, NC; Los Angeles, CA; Melbourne, FL; Nashville, TN; New York, NY; Olean, NY; Ontario, CA; San Bernardino, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Tampa Bay, FL; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Canada; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Egypt; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Libya; Mexico; Netherlands; Poland; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Taiwan; Turkey; UAE; Ukraine; Uganda; and United Kingdom; with additional agents around the world. For more information, visit www.logisticsplus.com or follow @LogisticsPlus on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Scott G. Frederick
Vice President, Marketing
Logistics Plus Inc.
(814) 240-6881

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Logistics Plus Partners With RIO to Restore Integrity to World’s Oceans

Logistics Plus Renews U.S. EPA SmartWay Transport® Partnership


Logistics Plus Renews with the U.S. EPA SmartWay Transport® Partnership

It’s the ninth consecutive year that Logistics Plus successfully completes its SmartWay emissions reporting.

SmartWay Logo 2018ERIE, PA (September 17, 2019) – Logistics Plus Inc., a leading worldwide provider of transportation, logistics and supply chain solutions, is proud to announce that it has submitted and received approval for its current data submission to the SmartWay® Transport Partnership, an innovative collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the industry. The SmartWay Transport Partnership provides a framework to assess the environmental and energy efficiency of goods movement supply chains.

Logistics Plus will continue to contribute to the Partnership’s savings of 248.9 million barrels of oil, $33.4 billion in fuel costs and 119 million tons of air pollutants. This is the equivalent of the annual electricity use in 16 million homes. Each year, performance data is submitted and reviewed to qualify as a SmartWay partner. The EPA recently approved the Logistics Plus annual submission of Partnership reporting requirements for the ninth consecutive year.

“Logistics Plus is committed to the most efficient and clean transportation practices,” said Steve Srnka, compliance attorney for Logistics Plus. “Our continued SmartWay approval confirms to our customers and partners that Logistics Plus is doing its part for environmental sustainability.”

About SmartWay
Developed jointly in early 2003 by EPA and Charter Partners represented by industry stakeholders, environmental groups, American Trucking Associations, and Business for Social Responsibility, this innovative program celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2014. Partners rely upon SmartWay tools and approaches to track and reduce emissions and fuel use from goods movement. The Partnership currently has over 3,000 Partners including shipper, logistics companies, truck, rail, barge, and multimodal carriers. For information about the SmartWay Transport Partnership visit www.epa.gov/smartway.

About Logistics Plus Inc.
Logistics Plus Inc. provides freight transportation, warehousing, fulfillment, global logistics, business intelligence technology, and supply chain management solutions through a worldwide network of talented and caring professionals. The company was founded over 23 years ago in Erie, PA by local entrepreneur, Jim Berlin. Today, Logistics Plus is a highly-regarded fast-growing and award-winning transportation and logistics company. With a strong passion for excellence, its 500+ employees put the “plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly, and the countless little things, that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success.

The Logistics Plus® network includes offices located in Erie, PA; Little Rock, AR; Los Angeles, CA; Riverside, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Visalia, CA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Lexington, NC; Buffalo, NY; New York, NY; Olean, NY; Akron, OH; Cleveland, OH; Charleston, SC; Nashville, TN; Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Laredo, TX; Winchester, VA; Madison, WI; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Egypt; France; Germany; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Libya; Mexico; Netherlands; Poland; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Taiwan; Turkey; UAE; Uganda; and United Kingdom; with additional agents around the world. For more information, visit www.logisticsplus.com or follow @LogisticsPlus on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Scott G. Frederick
Vice President, Marketing
Logistics Plus Inc.
(814) 240-6881

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Logistics Plus Partners With RIO to Restore Integrity to World’s Oceans

Logistics Plus Enters Eighth Year as a SmartWay Transport Partner


Logistics Plus Enters Eighth Year as a SmartWay Transport Partner

Logistics Plus successfully completes its 2017 emissions reporting with SmartWay Transport Partnership.

SmartWay Logo 2018ERIE, PA (September 20, 2018) – Logistics Plus Inc., a leading worldwide provider of transportation, logistics and supply chain solutions, continues its commitment to track and report its carbon accounting practices for an eighth consecutive year. Freight transportation is one of the fastest growing impacts on the environment as consumer demand increases. Logistic Plus is committed to respond with the most efficient and clean transportation practices.

Logistics Plus is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay® Transport Partner. Each year, performance data is submitted and reviewed to qualify as a SmartWay partner. The EPA recently approved the Logistics Plus annual submission of Partnership reporting requirements for 2017.

“Logistics Plus knows that partnering with SmartWay is good for business, people and the environment,” says Cheryl Bynum, U.S. EPA’s SmartWay Director, “By partnering with us, Logistics Plus is demonstrating their commitment to sustainability through cleaner, lower carbon goods movement.”

“Logistics Plus first joined the SmartWay initiative in 2010 with the goal of improving its impact on the environment,” said Steve Srnka, compliance attorney for Logistics Plus. “Our continued SmartWay approval confirms to our customers and partners that Logistics Plus is committed to doing its part for environmental sustainability.”

About SmartWay
SmartWay is a voluntary and cost-free program that supports companies’ initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freight supply chain transportation activities. Operational strategies, data management tools and verified technology supports are provided. The SmartWay Partnership is a domestic and international freight and supply chain program that manages data for over 3500 partners across all domestic shipping modes in the US and Canada. SmartWay implements its goals to lower freight carbon footprints by conducting analysis and research of freight impacts, engaging with freight experts, anticipating and responding to trends, developing strategic resources and communication strategies, and serving as an international model. International collaborations exist with Mexico, China and other Asian nations, Europe, and Latin America. Learn more about the EPA’s SmartWay program at: https://www.epa.gov/smartway/.

About Logistics Plus Inc.
Logistics Plus Inc. provides freight transportation, warehousing, fulfillment, global logistics, and supply chain management solutions through a worldwide network of talented and caring professionals. Founded in Erie, PA by local entrepreneur, Jim Berlin, 21 years ago, Logistics Plus is a fast-growing and award-winning transportation and logistics company. With a strong passion for excellence, its 400+ employees put the “plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly, and the countless little things, that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success.

The Logistics Plus® network includes offices located in Erie, PA; Little Rock, AR; Los Angeles, CA; Riverside, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Visalia, CA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Lexington, NC; Buffalo, NY; New York, NY; Olean, NY; Akron, OH; Cleveland, OH; Charleston, SC; Nashville, TN; Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Laredo, TX; Winchester, VA; Madison, WI; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Egypt; France; Germany; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Libya; Mexico; Netherlands; Poland; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Sudan; Taiwan; Turkey; UAE; Uganda; and United Kingdom; with additional agents around the world. For more information, visit www.logisticsplus.com or follow @LogisticsPlus on Twitter.

Media Contact:
Scott G. Frederick
Vice President, Marketing
Logistics Plus Inc.
(814) 240-6881

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