Logistics Plus Handles Transformer Project in CA

Logistics Plus Handles Transformer Project in CA

The Logistics Plus project cargo team successfully received and delivered six transformers to a storage location in Stockton, California. Our team was responsible for everything past the point of the units discharging from the vessel. The transformers came from Brazil and were directly discharged from the vessel onto a goldhofer trailer before being delivered to Stockton.

Three of the transformers weighed 502,000 lbs. each, and the other three weighed 386,000 lbs. each. In the next few months, the transformers will depart via rail to a substation in California. Logistics Plus will handle the loading, rail transport, and crane lift/offloading of each unit to the pad.

Pictures from this project can be seen below. Are you ready to get started on your next big project? Contact our team of experts at projectcargo@logisticsplus.com.

transformer project in California



Logistics Plus Ukraine Continues to Deliver

Logistics Plus Ukraine Continues to Deliver

The Logistics Plus Ukraine team successfully delivered drilling equipment from Kristiansand, Norway to Poltava, Ukraine. The shipment consisted of eight pieces, all being delivered to a high-profile Ukrainian drilling company. Due to the circumstances in Ukraine, this was no ordinary delivery.  Logistics Plus Global Projects Director Bahadir Erdil shared his thoughts on LinkedIn (shown below) about the project and the bravery of the Ukraine team.

“Until today, I did not fully understand what bravery meant. My colleagues have now shown me.

Missiles raining not far from the offices and homes, insufficient water resources, no electricity, no internet, under the air raid sirens, sometimes working on the street, sometimes at a park…

Kudos to the Ukraine team for handling these projects and keeping the Ukrainian economy running. Slava Ukraini!”

Ukraine delivery



Logistics Plus Represented at the Heavy Lift Awards

Logistics Plus Represented at the Heavy Lift Awards

heavy lift awards 2022Logistics Plus (LP) was named an Airfreight Solution of the Year finalist for the 2022 Heavy Lift Awards. The winners of each category were announced at the annual show on September 22, 2022, at the Grand Elyseé in Hamburg, Germany. As a finalist, Logistics Plus was represented at the awards show by Basar Kandil (General Manager, LP Turkey) and Heiko Mueller (General Manager, LP Germany).

Unfortunately, Logistics Plus was not selected as the overall winner. However, the company remains proud to have been chosen as one of five finalists for the award. Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPFI) receives hundreds of submissions yearly. This is the third time Logistics Plus has been selected as a finalist in four years. Congratulations to Fracht Group, the final 2022 Airfreight Solution of the Year winner.

Photos of the venue and event can be seen below. Logistics Plus looks forward to participating again next year!

heavy lift awards 2022 gif

Logistics Plus Appears in the Sep-Oct 2022 Issue of HLPFI Magazine

Logistics Plus Appears in the Sep-Oct 2022 Issue of HLPFI Magazine

HLPFI sep-oct 2022 issueLogistics Plus continues its string of regular appearances in Heavy Lift and Project Forwarding International magazine with editorial and advertising content in the new, September-October 2022 issue. Logistics Plus Brazil is mentioned on page 19 for joining the Project Cargo Network (PCN), and Logistics Plus is again mentioned on page 86 for being a finalist for the Heavy Lift Awards (airfreight category). Additionally, the new Logistics Plus project cargo advertisement shown below appears on page 37.

Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPFI) is a division of DVV Media International Limited. It is firmly established as the leading media presence for professionals involved in the logistics of over-dimensional and heavy cargoes. Written by an international team of award-winning journalists, HLPFI delivers essential information about the movement of such cargoes across the whole range of transport modes. In addition to news, each magazine issue contains interviews with prominent industry figures and topical features presented in an easy-to-read editorial format. Visit them online at www.heavyliftpfi.com.



www.logisticsplus.com/heavylift  |  projectcargo@logisticsplus.com |  1.866.LOG.PLUS

Logistics Plus is Featured Prominently in July 2022 Inbound Logistics Magazine

Logistics Plus is Featured Prominently in July 2022 Inbound Logistics Magazine

IBL_July2022final_rev2_ThumbnailLogistics Plus is featured prominently in the July 2022 issue of Inbound Logistics magazine, a leading supply chain and logistics industry publication. You can find us in the following sections of this highly anticipated 3PL edition:

  • A Logistics Plus ‘Supply Chain Challenge? Solved‘ case study involving the successful delivery of autoclaves and work tanks appears on page 82.
  • Logistics Plus was selected as a 2022 Top 100 3PL Provider, as noted on page 96 and page 106.
  • Logistics Plus project cargo/business development director Rob Silsbee is quoted in the article ‘Project Logistics: The Basics of Anything But Basic‘ on pages 152-158.
  • A Logistics Plus full-page advertisement is on page 171.
  • The www.logisticsplus.com website is promoted in Web_Cite City on page 217.

Click the magazine image shown here to view the pages noted above. Visit https://magazine.inboundlogistics.com/view/407101472/ to view the complete, online digital issue.