Global Logistics Services Discussed on WPSE Business Spotlight

Global Logistics Services Discussed on WPSE Business Spotlight

business spotlightLogistics Plus Chief Operating Officer Yuriy Ostapyak was joined by Kortnie Harmle and Megan Stetz on this week’s Business Spotlight interview. The Business Spotlight program runs on WPSE AM 1450/FM 107.1 Radio and is a 30-minute program airing Fridays at noon. Each segment focuses on a business or organization that is making an impact across the region.

In this segment, Yuriy, Kortnie, and Megan discuss their backgrounds, current supply chain challenges, emerging logistics services offered by Logistics Plus, and more. You can listen to a replay of the interview on the Logistics Plus Podcasts page or by clicking the audio link below.

Tom Kelly Featured on WPSE Business Spotlight

Tom Kelly Featured on WPSE Business Spotlight

WPSE_Money_Radio_2CLogistics Plus Regional Director of Operations and Sales Tom Kelly was featured on the weekly Business Spotlight program from WPSE AM 1450/FM 107.1 Radio. Business Spotlight is a 30-minute program airing Fridays at noon. Each segment focuses on a business or organization that is making an impact across the region.

In this segment, Tom discusses his background, role with the company, what Logistics Plus California is like, and more. You can listen to a replay of the interview on the Logistics Plus Podcasts page or by clicking the audio link below.

Business Spotlight Podcast - Tom Kelly 4-30-21

Jim Berlin Interviewed for Episode 8 of the TIA Delivers Podcast

Jim Berlin Interviewed for Episode 8 of the TIA Delivers Podcast

The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) interviews Jim Berlin for Episode 8 of the TIA Delivers Podcast to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on logistics, why he’s 3PL Proud, and his company’s role in establishing a National Logistics Day.



You know what they say, time is money; with so little time in your day to stay engaged with 3PL industry trends and hot topics. This is where the TIA podcasts come in and why we created TIA Delivers Podcasts for you. A monthly conversation to bring you the latest updates, tips and lessons-learned in a short, concise, readily available podcast. Our guests will offer real-world industry solutions, foresight and best practices that will ultimately help your business be successful. TIA podcasts will undoubtedly support our vision as the trusted voice of third-party logistics companies, recognizing the diverse needs of our members while speaking with one voice to shippers, carriers, government officials, and international organizations.

Jim Berlin, Trucker or CEO? The CJ Radio Show

Jim Berlin, Trucker or CEO? The CJ Radio Show

The CJ ShowJim Berlin, founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, was recently a guest of Johnny Irish on The CJ Show, a part of Miami Business Radio @ 880theBiz. The segment, titled “Jim Berlin, Trucker or CEO? The Shipping Business AND maybe a bit of both!” can be heard below.

Jim Berlin Guest Stars on the Eversprint High Value Sales Show

Jim Berlin Guest Stars on the Eversprint High Value Sales Show

Earlier this week, Jim Berlin, founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, guest starred on the Eversprint High Value Sales Show hosted by Malcolm Lui, Eversprint’s Managing Member. In this interview, Jim shares how he and his team accelerated their high value sales by:

  • Going the extra mile to help their customers.
  • Finding and building relationships with like-minded clients.
  • Fostering a corporate culture where everyone helps grow the business.
  • Providing technology that gives their clients a bird’s eye view of their shipments.

You can listen to the interview or read the transcript by clicking the title link below:

Punching above their weight – Jim Berlin of Logistics Plus