by logisticsplus | Sep 10, 2013 | News
The LP Golf Team participated in the Erie Insurance Charity Golf Challenge September 9th at Erie Kahkwa Country Club. They finished in 4th place out of 27 teams and are very excited to have raised $6,000 for Lindsay Graygo Memorial Scholarship.

L-R: Bill Cummingham, TJ McGraw, Josh Nkomo, and Mitch Connors
by logisticsplus | Apr 29, 2013 | News
It was a soggy day, but that couldn’t dampen the spirits of our LP Team! The Logistics Plus March for Babies Team spent this Sunday, April 28th, walking 6.2 miles to support the March of Dimes’ efforts to prevent premature birth and birth defects. In addition to sponsoring a team, Logistics Plus also was a sponsor of the Erie March for Babies.

Diana Sanchez with LP mile marker 2

Back Row L-R: Gretchen Blough, Angela Beaumont, Marty Rowe, Judy Rowe, Meagan Kennedy, Lee Anne Kennedy, Christie St. George, Debbie Chiffon, Jessica Konieczki.
Front Row L-R: Hayden Nuber, Jen Began, Holly Burrows, Diana Sanchez, Julie Moore, Olivia Dembski.
by logisticsplus | Apr 16, 2013 | News
Logistics Plus was part of the Pennsylvania delegation accompanying Governor Corbett on a business development mission to increase trade between South America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Click on the link below to see the details:
Governor Corbett to Lead PA Delegation to Brazil and Chile to Develop New Opportunities for Investment and Job Growth
Here are Gretchen and Abi with Governor Corbett
by logisticsplus | Oct 1, 2012 | News
Starting today, Jim’s younger brother Doug will be the author and the editor and chief of all Social Media for Logistics Plus. As a retired postal worker, Logistics Plus felt that no one was more qualified to deliver the message more so than Doug. Now, if we can just get him to deliver it to the right address we will be on to something. Welcome aboard Doug!