by logisticsplus | Apr 1, 2019 | News
Logistics Plus was included in the March 27, 2019 – April 9, 2019 issue of Erie Reader – it’s annual Industry, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship issue. Thank you to Rebecca Styn for the nice piece she wrote about Logistics Plus as part of The Bloom of Local Business feature. An image of the Logistics Plus excerpt is shown below.
You can read the entire article here:
The following is a half-page ad that was also featured in the Industry, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship issue of Erie Reader:
by logisticsplus | Mar 6, 2019 | News
Logistics Plus recently had the opportunity to participate in an article for DC Velocity magazine. The article, written by Toby Gooley, contributing editor for the publication, offers manufacturers and retailers the following four (4) tips on managing the logistics for a new product launch or rollout (a new, developing area of expertise for Logistics Plus).
- Provide plenty of advance notice.
- Clearly communicate requirements and expectations.
- Work with your providers to anticipate the new product’s impact on operations and costs.
- Choose a partner with experience in handling new-product launches.
You can read the entire online version of the article here:
Matt Bosko, senior logistics specialist and project manager, and Scott Frederick, vice president of marketing, were both cited in the article.
by logisticsplus | Feb 18, 2019 | News
Logistics Plus appears prominently in the January/February 2019 issue of Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPFI) magazine. HLPFI is firmly established as the leading media presence for professionals involved in heavy-lift, project cargo, project forwarding and break bulk logistics. One of our project cargo photographs is displayed on the opening pages of its cover story on Turkey (page 44 of the magazine), and Bahadir Erdil, our managing director for Turkey and global project cargo director, is also quoted in the article. In addition to the editorial content, Logistics Plus has a full-page advertisement (on page 53 of the magazine) showcasing eight of our primary project cargo division offices around the world. You can click the link below to read the online version of the magazine.
Read the online January/February 2019 Magazine
A copy of the Logistics Plus advertisement is shown below which points to a complementary landing page at
by logisticsplus | Jan 31, 2019 | News
Earlier this week, Jim Berlin, founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, guest starred on the Eversprint High Value Sales Show hosted by Malcolm Lui, Eversprint’s Managing Member. In this interview, Jim shares how he and his team accelerated their high value sales by:
- Going the extra mile to help their customers.
- Finding and building relationships with like-minded clients.
- Fostering a corporate culture where everyone helps grow the business.
- Providing technology that gives their clients a bird’s eye view of their shipments.
You can listen to the interview or read the transcript by clicking the title link below:
Punching above their weight – Jim Berlin of Logistics Plus
by logisticsplus | Nov 26, 2018 | News
Logistics Plus appeared again in November’s edition of the Lake Erie Lifestyles magazine, a monthly publication circulated by Erie Times-News and The theme of the entire issue is “Buy Local.” In the article, Gretchen Blough, Customs Brokerage Manager for Logistics Plus, discusses the recent tariff changes and how they might impact local businesses. “It’s our job to guide customers through every complex step of the customs process,” Blough said. A reprint of the story is shown below (and will later appear online at
You can click the image below to view a PDF version.