Global Logistics Alert: Canada Reverses Vaccine Mandate for Truckers

Global Logistics Alert: Canada Reverses Vaccine Mandate for Truckers

global logistics alert

Alert Message:

In November 2021, the Canadian federal government announced that truck drivers crossing the border from the United States into Canada would need to be fully vaccinated by January 15th, 2022. Now, the government is backing down from its vaccine mandate for Canadian truckers just three days before it was set to go into effect. The mandate still applies to American truck drivers going into Canada, however.

The government faced pressure from the trucking industry to drop the mandate saying that it would result in an even more significant driver shortage and would put additional strain on supply chains amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) estimated that the government mandate would have forced roughly 16,000 cross-border drivers off the road. With more than two-thirds of the $511 billion in goods traded between Canada and the United States, the trucking industry is key.

The full article can be found on Reuters website here:


Global Trade Alert: Energy Certification Requirements

Global Trade Alert: Energy Certification Requirements

GlobalTrade-Alert-MessageGlobal Trade Alert Message:

Importers must now use product-specific templates to certify compliance to the U.S. Department of Energy before distributing a basic model to commerce in the United States and annually thereafter. These templates must then be submitted electronically to the Department through the Compliance Certification Management System.

Some of the products that require certification include refrigerators, air conditioners, heat pumps, water heaters, microwaves, televisions, lamps, and more appliances. The instructions for completing product-specific templates can be found here.

The full article can be found on the U.S. Department of Energy website here:


Global Trade Alert: Energy Certification Requirements

Global Trade Alert: Exporters With Surplus of Medical Supplies

GlobalTrade-Alert-MessageGlobal Trade Alert Message:

On December 31, 2020, FEMA published a Temporary Final Rule (TFR) in the Federal Register. It allocated certain scarce medical and healthcare resources for domestic use only during the Covid-19 pandemic. This ensured that supplies of certain equipment were not exported abroad. Effective immediately, FEMA has announced that the following products are no longer restricted for export under the TFR:

  • Industrial N95 Respirators
  • PPE Surgical Masks
  • Piston Syringes
  • Hypodermic Single LUmen Needles

Only three items remain under the current TFR. These items include surgical N95 respirators, PPE nitrile gloves, and level 3 or 4 surgical gowns. Manufacturers and distributors that believe they have a surplus of these materials can request an exemption as long as they can prove good-faith and unsuccessful attempt to sell the materials to the domestic market.

The full article can be found on FEMA here:


Global Trade Alert: Energy Certification Requirements

Global Trade Alert: Allocation of Medical Resources

GlobalTrade-Alert-MessageGlobal Trade Alert Message:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a temporary rule to allocate certain scarce materials for domestic use only. This means that certain materials may not be exported from the United States without explicit approval by FEMA. The five types of personal protective equipment (PPE) this new rules covers are N95 filtering respirators, other filtering face-piece respirators, elastomeric filters, PPE surgical masks, and PPE gloves or surgical gloves.

This rule is effective until August 10, 2020.

Read the full news release from the Federal Register here:

Logistics Plus Coronavirus (COVID-19) Message

Logistics Plus Coronavirus (COVID-19) Message

March 16, 2020

To All,


Logistics Plus continues to closely monitor daily developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our team is focused on the wellness and safety of our employees, customers, and partners, and we will continue to provide relevant, appropriate updates as appropriate.

The safety of our employees and their families continues to be our highest priority. We recognize this situation remains very fluid. Our official policy is “steady as she goes” as we take this day-by-day, customer-by-customer, and person-by-person to get the job done – no matter what obstacles we encounter.

Logistics Plus and its 50+ offices worldwide remain fully operational and continue to service all our global and domestic customers while adhering to government and health regulations.

Our people, technology, and experience enable us to continue to support our network of customers and carriers worldwide. All our locations have business continuity plans and strategies to allow our employees to work remotely as the need arises.

We will continue to monitor global supply chains’ impacts and provide updates through our website and social media platforms.

Logistics Plus remains the company with a total Passion for Excellence™. Our global experts will continue to put the “plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly and the countless little things that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success – even during these difficult times.

Upward and onward!


Your Logistics Plus Team



