Logistics Plus Case Study by Armstrong & Associates

Logistics Plus Case Study by Armstrong & Associates

armstrong-and-associates-mainEarlier this month, Logistics Plus had the honor of hosting a visit from Richard (Dick) Armstrong, the Chairman of Armstrong & Associates. Armstrong & Associates, Inc. (A&A) was established in 1980 to meet the needs of a newly deregulated domestic transportation market. Since then, through its leading third-party logistics (3PL) market research and history of helping companies outsource logistics functions, A&A has become an internationally recognized key information resource for 3PL market research and consulting. A&A publishes the Who’s Who in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Guide and various other often-cited industry research studies and white papers.

According to its website, A&A’s personnel visit many third-party logistics providers in its Who’s Who in Logistics Online Guide. This allows them to objectively assess a 3PL’s operations and form a basis for the “Editorial Comments” sections of its 3PL profiles (which are available for purchase online). Dick Armstrong spent two-days interviewing key Logistics Plus employees, observing our operations, and learning about all the things we do to support our customers’ supply chains. One of the deliverables from Dick’s visit is a basic case study profiling Logistics Plus. That case study has been published on the publicly-accessible section if the A&A website and distributed to its many constituents. You can read that online case study here: http://www.3plogistics.com/3pl-case-studies/logistics-plus/ (or by clicking the image below).



A 3½PL approach to 4PL Solutions

A 3½PL approach to 4PL Solutions

3 1-2 PL SolutionsAt Logistics Plus, we provide both 3PL and 4PL solutions. What’s the difference between a 3PL and a 4PL? In a nutshell, a 3PL is a partner that provides logistics services to a client using either their own assets, contracted assets, or both. Conversely, a 4PL is an integrated and outsourced partner, often with dedicated, onsite resources, that manages other logistics providers on a client’s behalf. In many of these situations, the 4PL provider becomes the de facto logistics department for the client.  However, for many of our clients, the ideal Logistics Plus® solution lies somewhere in-between – or as we refer to it … 3½PL™ solutions.

With our 3½PL approach to 4PL solutions, we become a valuable extension to your existing supply chain management team. We provide you with onsite or offsite dedicated logistics resources and preferred access to both our own and contracted assets. That includes access to our National Truckload (NTL) capabilities, LTL and truckload solutions, warehousing and distribution options, import/export services, project cargo expertise, global trade compliance oversight, and technology platforms. An additional aspect of our 3½PL solutions is that they can be highly customized or even à la carte. Only need warehousing and fulfillment? No problem. Just need customs brokerage and freight forwarding? We can do that too. Need customized technology integrated with your shopping cart? We’ve got you covered.

In a 3½PL arrangement, even though our own assets and resources are available to you, we are not married to them if other logistics partners can provide better or more affordable solutions. That’s the beauty of this approach. As part of your team (and not a replacement for it), we can look up and down your supply chain, identify the greatest opportunities for improvements, and then act on them. So, not only do you get access to a nationally recognized great supply chain partner and a top freight brokerage firm, you do so without having to increase (or decrease, if that is a concern) your own staff. Additional benefits include:

  • Design and planning consultation
  • Domestic and international transportation management expertise
  • Oversight for customs regulations and compliance
  • Smart and efficient technologies, such as eShipPlus™ and eWorldPlus™ powered by CargoWise One®
  • Business intelligence, data visualizations, and dashboards using our customized MyLogisticsPlus™ platform
  • A liaison between carriers and shipping sites
  • Audited and consolidated invoicing

The presentation shown below provides a general overview of our 4PL solutions. Although we still often refer to them as 4PL solutions, which is a more common industry term, you should know that our trademark 3½PL approach is a key point of differentiation that has led to many successful programs for clients such as GE Transportation, GE Oil & GasWeWorkCanadian Solar, HeroBX, and others.  If you’d like to engage Logistics Plus to help you with your own logistics challenges, simply click the button below to get started.




3PL Checklist – Choosing the Right Logistics Partner

3PL Checklist – Choosing the Right Logistics Partner

3PL ChecklistCompanies of all sizes are increasing their use of outsourced logistics services as they seek greater efficiency in their supply chains.  Here is a 3PL checklist to help you find the best third party logistics partner for your situation. 3PLs bring valuable benefits to companies in a number of ways:

  • Reducing transportation costs. 3PLs often have scale and leverage advantages that allow them to negotiate and access better rates than shippers can do on their own. They can also eliminate unwanted administrative costs by efficiently finding and securing capacity, monitoring and auditing carrier and rate compliance, and executing optimal mode selection (all of this often with the aid of specialized technology).
  • Improving customer satisfaction. 3PLs can support customer satisfaction improvement goals by helping with accurate order fulfillment, improving on-time pickups and deliveries, providing greater shipment visibility, and reducing losses and damages.
  • Providing global expertise. 3PLs can help businesses navigate the more complex aspects of importing and exporting by providing documentation, customs brokerage, duty optimization, and freight forwarding solutions. This can help companies introduce their products to new markets or source lower-cost materials for production.
  • Reducing supply chain risk. 3PLs can help mitigate risks by ensuring companies are using licensed and safe transportation carriers, providing logistics talent acquisition expertise, and staying abreast of special governmental and environmental rules and regulations.

With the above benefits in mind, here is a very simple 3PL checklist you may want to consider when evaluating your partner options:


  • Is your potential partner financially stable with a long history of successful operations? Do they have reputable customers from whom they have received testimonials? Have they won any significant awards or recognition?

Assets or Non-Asset?

  • Do they manage their own truck fleet or assets? Do they provide non-asset brokerage solutions? Do they have dedicated warehousing and do they manage warehousing using any of their own staff?

Domestic Operations?

  • Are they able to manage all transportation modes, including LTL, truckload, expedited, rail, air, and ocean services? Do they have adequate staff with sufficient expertise to manage all aspects of domestic transportation? Can they provide dedicated staff and resources for a complete managed transportation solution?

Global Capabilities?

  • Do they have global staff located around the world? Are they able to manage all aspects of imports and exports? Can they manage all international transportation modes, including ocean, air, ground, and rail? Can they manage complex project cargo from start until finish? Do they provide customs broker solutions and can they assist with global trade compliance?

Leading Technology?

  • Do they have a capable transportation management system (TMS)? Do they have international freight forwarding track and trace capabilities? Do they have a warehouse management system (WMS)? Can their technology solutions be integrated into your back-office systems?

Ancillary Services?

  • What additional services can they bring to your company? Can they help with things like global sourcing, specialized warehousing, linguistic solutions, cargo insurance, and financing options?

Cultural Fit?

  • Do they have a customer service-oriented culture? Do they have a mission statement or mantra that resonates with you? Are they proud of, and do they showcase, their people? Do they have a history of successes and “going to bat” for their customers?

Hopefully this gives you a good starting checklist if you are, or will soon be, evaluating 3PL partners. Obviously, we feel very confident that Logistics Plus has the credibility, capabilities, and cultural fit that works well for most companies and industries. If you’d like to engage us in your evaluation process, request for quote (RFQ), or request for proposal (RFP) – or if you simply want to talk – just let us know. We’re here to help and we’re ready to do so.



Looking for more outside reading on this subject? Check out his article from SuppyChain247.com