Logistics Plus Hand-Delivers Critical Shipments to Puerto Rico

Like most logistics companies right now, Logistics Plus (LP) is not immune to the challenges and tribulations of getting shipments delivered to the hurricane impacted island of Puerto Rico. However, true to LP form, our team continues to work tirelessly to “make it happen” when our customers come calling. One such customer, Amphenol – one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world – came to us immediately after Hurricane Maria tore through the Caribbean to see if we could help deliver a satellite phone from St. Marys, PA to its Añasco, Puerto Rico manufacturing facility. The facility had virtually no power and had lost all communications, and the satellite phone would be its lifeline to the outside world. Since LP already provides dedicated transportation and compliance services to Amphenol, it was only natural they should turn to us for this critical shipment.

Rosy Trevino, the LP logistics and compliance specialist dedicated to Amphenol, immediately recruited Libby O’Hara from the LP North American transportation team. Together, working day and night (and through the weekend) they found a personal courier who would then hand-carry and deliver the satellite phone to Añasco, Puerto Rico. Since no cargo planes were flying to or from Puerto Rico, the courier was booked on a passenger flight – one of only a few allowed to land in Puerto Rico. Upon landing, the courier had to rent a car and then drive three hours west of the airport – through hurricane ravaged areas – to finally deliver the shipment. In the end, the satellite phone was delivered in just two days after the hurricane hit, allowing the local Amphenol facility to resume communications with customers and suppliers.

In the subsequent days that followed, Rosy and Libby arranged for additional deliveries of critical manufacturing components, including two packages of parts from California and 30 packages from Michigan – both shipments hand-delivered to Puerto Rico via personal courier services arranged by the LP team! Additionally, we continue to work relentlessly to get more shipments to the Amphenol facility in Añasco, Puerto Rico, including an ocean container from China that was initially re-routed to Jamaica but will finally deliver today.

A big thank you to Rosy and Libby and the rest of the LP team that has worked behind the scenes to support this important customer and their critical shipments going into Puerto Rico. Your passion for excellence has not gone unnoticed!