Christmas Antarctica Cruise: Getting Ready


Since we’re going on an Antarctic cruise over Christmas, and since there will be a polar plunge on Christmas Day, I want to get prepared.  So today (with guidance from Coach Craig Warnshuis), I started my “training.”

The water in Antarctica will be 29 degrees. (And yes, I know that water freezes into ice at 32 degrees, but 1. Not salt water, and 2. Not with currents/waves keeping it from freezing).

Now, about 40 years ago, I jumped into 32-degree moving water in the North Hudson (not too smart) and immediately locked up. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Had to be pulled up back into the raft. “Memorable.”

And this will be colder than that.  And I don’t want a repeat of that episode 🤪.

So, I’m gonna spend some time trying to get ready.  I am going to the Lake Erie Recovery Zone at my old gym, Erie Fitness Now, where they have a cold plunge tub. And, while they can “only” get it down to 37 degrees (it was at 47 today), that’s just 10 degrees higher than Antarctica will be.

Today was not bad at all. Now, I only stayed in for 3.5 minutes. I didn’t dunk my head under. But it was not uncomfortable at all, other than my feet hurt. But I’m gonna get some neoprene diver’s boots to help that.  But it was very doable. So a good start IMHO.

I’ve always been fascinated by Antarctica since reading the book about Ernest Shackleton’s journey there on Endurance. It is a story of incredible strength and survival against all odds. I look forward to seeing it (and letting you guys see it through my experience).

Onward! -JB

jb cold plunge