Indiana Tube

Glory hallelujah!!!  You are definitely the miracle worker!!! … Thanks so much for the BOLs.  Sure glad that shipment ordeal is over!!! You sure did a wonderful job of handling this shipment for us.

Traffic Coordinator
Indiana Tube


Graftech International


I just want to thank all of you for helping getting the trucks out on the 2 crucial days of March. We couldn’t have done it without Logistics Plus. Thanks again.

Shipping and Receiving Coordinator
Graftech International

Natural Gas Services Company

We do not have many international shipments at this time, but that will change over the course of the year as we expand. We intend to use Logistics Plus.  You’re service is excellent.

Director of Sales & Marketing
Natural Gas Services Company

Barber National Institute

Jim, you are a rock star!  How lucky we are to have you and your business in our city!  Congratulations on the recognition of Employer of the Year and thank you for being service focused in EVERYTHING you do and for being such a positive energy in our community.

Laura, Director of Giving, Barber National Institute


Erie County Dept. of Health

On behalf of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDH) I want to thank you and your staff at Logistics Plus Linguistics Solutions for the superb customer service that you have provided to this agency over the last 7 months. Your commitment to quality service through provision of certified interpreters for ECDH clinical and home visit services has “raised the bar” on the quality of interpretive services for the refugee and immigrant customers that ECDH serves. It has met a request that I have had from Pennsylvania Department of Health for several years now to utilize certified interpreters for interpretive services whenever possible. Your consistent approach has earned the trust and respect of the ECDH. The interpreters that (Logistics Plus Linguistics Solutions) has provided have been prompt, courteous, and professional. The passion that you have for providing quality interpretive services is reflected in their work practices. The ECDH looks forward to a long working relationship with you as we strive to provide high quality services to our non-English speaking customers.

Charlotte, Community Health Services, Erie County Dept. of Health


United States Senate

Dear Mr. Berlin,

I want to offer you and your employees my warmest congratulations on receiving the Non-Manufacturing Employer of the Year Award from DevelopErie.
This recognition speaks to the high regard in which you and your company are held by  your peers and is a wonderful acknowledgment of the hard work, commitment and leadership that you and your staff have shown throughout your careers.
Please accept my congratulations and best wishes on this well-deserved honor.

Robert P. Casey, Jr., United States Senator, United States Senate