by logisticsplus | Nov 22, 2021 | News

(Photos from a recent delivery)
The Logistics Plus (LP) Indonesia team continues to deliver MRI equipment and accessories for an industry-leading healthcare manufacturer. The team recently transported three MRI machines and will handle another two units by the end of this year. The ongoing project includes staging the MRI machines at our warehouse upon arrival from the factory, delivering them to a designated hospital using our air ride truck, unloading the machines, and moving them to specific rooms for installation.
(Side note: only five companies in Indonesia own air ride trucks, one of them being Logistics Plus)
The LP Indonesia team must follow a strict schedule for this project so that normal hospital activities aren’t interrupted. This mainly involves working through the night or on specific days when the hospital is not as crowded. Logistics Plus Indonesia President Director Wahyu Jatmiko commented on the project. “I’m so proud of how hard our team has worked on this project. We have a lot of experience handling these large machines, and I think it shows.”

by logisticsplus | Nov 16, 2021 | News
Anyone involved in domestic transportation now knows all too well that freight rates have been skyrocketing to historic levels. According to Transportation and Warehousing produce price indices tracked by the U.S. Federal Reserve, year-over-year industry-wide less-than-truckload prices have risen between 8-14% in recent months, and full truckload prices have risen between 20-30% (and diesel fuel prices are up 27% on top of that).
The message is clear, reducing overall supply chain costs right now will be a significant challenge. In fact, in the 30th Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends published in the September 2021 issue of Logistics Management, only 8.2% of shippers surveyed feel that reducing costs is a primary objective right now. That compares with 21.8% in 2020 and 29.8% in 2019. What are the new primary objectives? 20.5% say maximizing asset utilization, 35.6% say increasing customer satisfaction, and 35.6% say maximizing profitability are all now higher primary objectives.

(Click to Enlarge)
So how can shippers try to offset these rate increases as they look to maximize profitability over the coming months and year? Here are some tips from your friends at Logistics Plus:
- Ship larger shipments less often. Even with truckload rates at all-time highs, a larger load of the product will generally ship more cost-effectively than multiple smaller loads.
- Minimize the cubic footprint of shipments (i.e., smaller, denser) to avoid overlength, minimum cubic capacity, and capacity load charges assessed by some carriers.
- Consolidate orders where possible to reduce unnecessary freight charges (the Logistics Plus Business Intelligence department can review your historical data to see about potential recommendations).
- Utilize the Logistics Plus North American Division (NAD) to help spot quote some of your larger shipments. Sometimes shipments over five pallets or 5,000 pounds (as a guideline) can be spot quoted for less money if it moves in a desirable backhaul lane for a carrier.
- Utilize regional warehousing to optimize/balance inventory to be as close to final customers as possible (Logistics Plus has multiple warehouses located across the United States).
- Improve BOL accuracy to minimize re-weigh, re-class, and inspection fees (carriers are getting punitive on inaccurate bills of lading).
- Improve order accuracy to minimize re-consignments and re-deliveries (don’t ship a shipment any more than you have to).
- Consider implementing a “prepaid and add” program (if you haven’t already) to mark up your freight costs by X% and pass that on to your customers/vendors to help offset your freight costs.
- Implement a freight invoice consolidation, auditing, and payment program to gain further visibility and insights into your freight spend and maximize recovery of refundable monies (e.g., guaranteed failures, orders paid but not tendered, address corrections, etc.).
Want to explore these and other ideas? Contact Logistics Plus, and let’s talk.

by logisticsplus | Nov 16, 2021 | News
U.S. Holiday schedules for Logistics Plus and ground carriers
As the year-end holidays approach, we want to help you avoid any unnecessary shipping delays over the next several weeks. Shown below is the holiday schedule for U.S.-based Logistics Plus offices and warehouse locations, as well as the top U.S. ground (parcel and LTL) carriers.
If you have any transportation needs or expedited shipping requests, please contact Logistics Plus in advance of the office closings noted below. You can also reach out to our North American Division (NAD) by calling 1.866.335.7623 or emailing

(Click the image to see a larger version.)

Do you have any last-minute questions or concerns? Let us know how we can help!

by logisticsplus | Nov 12, 2021 | News
Logistics Plus Chief Operations Officer Yuriy Ostapyak was featured on the weekly Business Spotlight program from WPSE AM 1450/FM 107.1 Radio. Business Spotlight is a 30-minute program airing Fridays at noon. Each segment focuses on a business or organization that is making an impact across the region.
In this segment, Yuriy discusses his background, current supply chain challenges, recent growth, new offices worldwide, and more. You can listen to a replay of the interview on the Logistics Plus Podcasts page or by clicking the audio link below.

by logisticsplus | Nov 9, 2021 | News
A new group of Logistics Plus employees completed the Dale Carnegie Skills for Success program at our global headquarters in Erie, PA. For the second time, Logistics Plus provided this foundational leadership program to 21 employees who volunteered to strengthen their people, communication, management, and leadership skills, build confidence, and manage stress more effectively. The course took place for four hours every Wednesday for eight weeks. The program will continue to be made available to additional Logistics Plus employees in the future.

The Dale Carnegie Skills for Success course has five main objectives:
- Build greater self-confidence
- Strengthen people skills
- Enhance communication skills
- Develop leadership skills
- Reduce stress and improve our attitude
The Dale Carnegie program is used worldwide to help companies improve leadership skills and invest in their employees. Jim Berlin, Founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, has taken the course twice and wanted to allow his employees to experience it. Jim said, “In my mind, this course gives you the ‘tricks of the trade’ on how to become a better human being, how to get along with others, and how to get things done. I’d highly recommend it to everyone.”
Natalie Loucks, a Project Manager, was one of the employees who participated in the class. Natalie said, “When I first started the Dale Carnegie course, my personal goal was to gain confidence. During the first few weeks, my goal changed to managing stress and being more positive at work. This change was because I learned more about myself and how others view me. All the topics we covered were relevant, and the course provided ways to improve on leadership, influencing people, and public speaking, just to name a few. I know that anyone who participates in the class will find it to be a rewarding experience.” Upon completion of the class, Natalie won the ‘Highest Achiever’ award.
After the program, our employees expressed gratitude towards Jim and the Dale Carnegie team for providing them with this learning opportunity. The life lessons and leadership skills gained throughout this experience will never be forgotten.

by logisticsplus | Nov 8, 2021 | News
Logistics Plus was once again a proud sponsor of the NDIA Swing for Freedom Golf Invitational held in Washington, D.C. The annual golf outing is hosted by the Washington, D.C. chapter of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) and benefits the USO-Metro. Since 1941, the United Service Organization has served as the vital bridge between Americans and their military service members.
As seen in the image below, Ryan Markiewicz, Blaine Kurtz, and Mike Callan (from L-R) represented Logistics Plus in the outing. The team tied for second place by shooting 12 under par. More importantly, the team had a great time supporting this vital cause.

About the NDIA
The National Defense Industrial Association drives strategic dialogue in national security by identifying key issues and leveraging the knowledge and experience of its military, government, industry, and academic members to address them. For more than 100 years, NDIA has provided a platform through which leaders in government, industry, and academia can collaborate and provide solutions to advance the national security and defense needs of the nation.