Logistics Plus and Red Letter Hospitality teamed up to raise more than $10,000 to aid the people in Ukraine. The funds were raised as a result of Ukraine Week, a week-long celebration of Ukrainian food and culture held from August 8th through August 14th at three local restaurants in the Erie area. The money raised will help with medical supplies, rehoming refugees in Erie, and feeding those in need in Ukraine.
Logistics Plus Chief Operations Officer (and Ukrainian native) Yuriy Ostapyak said, “I’m very proud to be a part of this community. I’m very proud that the community has kind of rallied behind Ukraine, and as I mentioned before, this support matters. It’s not just about the money. It matters for people in Ukraine to know that they are supported, that people all the way across the ocean are with them trying to help.”
The news segment that was featured on YourErie can be viewed below.
Logistics Plus is celebrating its 26th Anniversary this month. As many know, Logistics Plus would not be the successful, global company it is today without the entrepreneurial spirit, practical leadership, and daily coaching from our Founder & CEO, Jim Berlin.
This is the full 11-minute interview (previously shared as 14 separate video vignettes) of JB’s thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship, growth, and more. The interview was for the upcoming EY Entrepreneur of the Year Program that is intended to recognize past winners (Jim won a regional award back in 2004).
Logistics Plus is celebrating its 26th Anniversary this month. As many know, Logistics Plus would not be the successful, global company it is today without the entrepreneurial spirit, practical leadership, and daily coaching from our Founder & CEO, Jim Berlin. So, each of the next 14 days, we will share recent video footage of JB’s thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship, growth, and more. We recorded the videos for a different purpose, but in the spirit of LP’s Anniversary, they can certainly be enjoyed by all.
Video #14 of 14 … “My Proudest Accomplishment as an Entrepreneur”
Logistics Plus is celebrating its 26th Anniversary this month. As many know, Logistics Plus would not be the successful, global company it is today without the entrepreneurial spirit, practical leadership, and daily coaching from our Founder & CEO, Jim Berlin. So, each of the next 14 days, we will share recent video footage of JB’s thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship, growth, and more. We recorded the videos for a different purpose, but in the spirit of LP’s Anniversary, they can certainly be enjoyed by all.
Video #13 of 14 … “I’ve Tried to Learn About Leadership from the People I’ve Met”
Jenny Melgert, VP of Global Supply Chain Solutions, and Michelle Fontaine, Global Sales Manager, were featured on the weekly Business Spotlight program from WPSE AM 1450/FM 107.1 Radio. Business Spotlight is a 30-minute program airing Fridays at noon. Each segment focuses on a business or organization that is making an impact across the region.
In this segment, Jenny and Michelle discuss their backgrounds, roles with Logistics Plus, the company’s solar division, company culture, and more. You can listen to a replay of the interview on the Logistics Plus Podcasts page or by clicking the audio link below.
Logistics Plus is celebrating its 26th Anniversary this month. As many know, Logistics Plus would not be the successful, global company it is today without the entrepreneurial spirit, practical leadership, and daily coaching from our Founder & CEO, Jim Berlin. So, each of the next 14 days, we will share recent video footage of JB’s thoughts on leadership, entrepreneurship, growth, and more. We recorded the videos for a different purpose, but in the spirit of LP’s Anniversary, they can certainly be enjoyed by all.