Easy Importing to Amazon Fulfillment Centers

Easy Importing to Amazon Fulfillment Centers

Import to Amazon Fulfillment Center

Congratulations on creating your new retail business! You’ve set up a cool new website, you’ve found a low-cost source for your merchandise using overseas manufacturing, and you have seller accounts set up on Amazon.com and eBay.com.  Now you need to get your products into the United States and deliver them to your warehouse or fulfillment centers. Unfortunately, incoterms, customs regulations, duties, and freight transportation are not your areas of expertise. No worries, Logistics Plus has helped many other retailers, just like you, get their products imported and delivered to where they need to go – easily, quickly, and affordably.

When you work with us for your import shipping, you get access to the entire Logistics Plus® network of resources. That’s over 350 talented and dedicated logistics professionals in nearly 40 offices across 20 countries; capabilities across all modes of transportation, including air, ocean, ground, and rail; and expertise in customs brokerage, regulations, duties, tariffs, taxes, documentation, and everything else involved in importing goods from a foreign country. Importing to Amazon fulfillment centers doesn’t have to be worrisome or complex.  Whether you need only freight shipping from the U.S. port to your fulfillment center or complete door-to-door transportation from the manufacturer to the destination – Logistics Plus can help you with it all. And if you’re also selling your goods in Europe, Asia or elsewhere – we can help you with those moves too.

You have a retail business to run and products to sell – that’s your specialty. If you’d like to keep your focus on that part of your business, let us help you with the logistics side of things. Join the countless other retailers who turned to Logistics Plus for their imports and international shipping needs. You’ll quickly discover how we put the “plus” in logistics by doing all of the little things you need to succeed! To get started, send us an email to quotes@logisticsplus.com or give us a call at 1.866.LOG.PLUS! (1.866.564.7587).

Logistics Plus Featured on WICU-12-WSEE-TV News

Logistics Plus Featured on WICU-12-WSEE-TV News

WICU-12-WSEE-TV, an Erie, PA-based news affiliate, recently aired the following feature on Logistics Plus. The segment was part of the station’s coverage of the DevelopErie’s Employer of the Year finalists announced in December. There are six area companies that are finalists for the top award. The 2014 Erie County Employer of the Year will be unveiled by DevelopErie at the Annual Awards Dinner on January 22, 2015, at the Bayfront Convention Center in Downtown Erie.

WICU-12 News


Monster Project Tamed by Logistics Plus

Monster Project Tamed by Logistics Plus

Rogers Equipment Project

A project almost two years in the making came together yesterday for Logistics Plus and our customer Rogers Brothers Corporation Rogers Brothers, manufacturer of ROGERS® low-bed heavy-hauler semi-trailers, designed and constructed the largest trailer they have manufactured since WWII for their customer, Southern Peru Copper Mine Corp.  The monster-sized trailer is designed to haul large mining equipment off-road and is two-to-three times larger than a standard highway trailer.  Fully assembled, it weighs 94 tons, is over 100 feet long, 20 feet wide, and is capable of hauling 440,000 pounds.  Each one of its 24 tires is made of solid rubber (i.e., no air) and weighs close to 1,000 pounds.  This one trailer is so big, that Logistics Plus needed to coordinate six over-dimensional trailer loads to legally move it on U.S. highways.

Rogers Brothers trusted Logistics Plus to coordinate the movement of the trailer from its manufacturing facility in Albion, PA to a warehouse at the Port of Houston in Texas, where the end customer will ship the trailer via ocean breakbulk to Peru.  Many Logistics Plus team members – including Andy Seidler, Matt Bosko, Abi Lopez, Gretchen Seth, Craig Warnshuis, Gretchen Blough, Jeremy Chaffee, and others – were involved off and on over the past two years to assist the Rogers Brothers staff in costing, planning, quoting, surveying, and finally coordinating and loading the trucks.

Logistics Plus team members, Gretchen Blough and Jeremy Chaffee were onsite yesterday at Rogers Brothers to help coordinate the final details, including trucks, drivers, riggers, and paperwork.  As often is the case, some ‘behind the scenes’ hiccups and weather issues made things interesting. In the end, however, the combined team battled through a snowstorm, ice, and cold to load all six truckloads in just over eight hours.  The customer is very pleased, and everything is proceeding on schedule to deliver to Houston.

If you have big, unique, or challenging project cargo as described here, then contact us and let our Logistics Plus specialists go to work for you too.

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9 Reasons to use Logistics Plus for Airfreight Forwarding Services

9 Reasons to use Logistics Plus for Airfreight Forwarding Services

Air Freight Forwarding

In a global supply chain, timing and visibility are critical. So is selecting the best freight forwarder. Here are nine (9) reasons why you should consider working with Logistics Plus for your airfreight forwarding needs.

  1. Broad Service Portfolio. Logistics Plus offers courier, ocean, and air freight options internationally (for both import and export) and domestically. We are able to move cargo any way the customer requires (including ocean, ground, and rail). We have our own IAC (Indirect Air Carrier) certificate and our IATA/CNS membership allows us to ship cargo with all 250 air carriers they represent. Our relationships with the airlines allow us to negotiate our own rates which allows us to be cost-effective and competitive. Logistics Plus also has offices in 20 countries around the world which helps which gives us valuable knowledge and relationships for how best to ship internationally and which carriers to use.  Our foreign offices are also able to help if there is a crisis in their area. For example, when a recent shipment was delayed in FRA (Frankfurt) our Germany team reached out to their local airline contacts to get the freight rescheduled on the first available flight.
  2. Customs Brokerage. As a licensed customs broker, Logistics Plus is currently able to clear shipments in the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis areas; and our license will be expanded to include all areas in the U.S. later this year. Additionally, we have partnerships with local brokers around the country if something specialized or time-sensitive is needed.
  3. Industry Expertise and Responsiveness. The Logistics Plus airfreight staff works as a cohesive team for all shipments.  Their “all hands on deck” approach ensures that shipments move smoothly and as fast as possible. Airfreight quotes are quick and easy and can generally be provided within 24–36 hours. The Logistics Plus staff is cross-trained so that if one person is missing, the workflow isn’t disrupted as time is critical when it comes to air freight shipping. Our airfreight team leaders are always on hand to answer questions or address any potential delays. Having our own, fully-staffed global trade compliance department in-house as well, allows getting decisive and quick responses to any potential issues (our global trade compliance staff will even provide training to your employees if needed).
  4. Competitive Transit Times. With over 40 offices in 20 countries and additional agent relationships around the world, the Logistics Plus network is fully capable to source the mode and speed you need. Wherever you need to ship, we can make it happen (unless it’s an embargoed commodity, of course). We also work with a multitude of airlines that cover all destination airports. As a result, we are always able to offer different service options into locations no matter your preference – “less expensive and slower” or “more expensive and faster.” As a rule of thumb, we try not to offer any transits with more than 1 stop; sometimes it’s unavoidable, but that’s the best way to circumvent potential delays. Our knowledge of foreign countries, their holidays and weather patterns, also helps avoid potential problems.
  5. Competitive Rates. Logistics Plus is able to negotiate its own rates starting from pickup to delivery. If a customer has a “target rate” we can work directly with the airline to ensure we meet it, or get as close to possible. We are also available for our customers 24/7 to answer any questions they may have.
  6. Streamlined Manifesting and Invoicing. Logistics Plus bills electronically unless paper is requested. We are also enrolled in the IATA E-AWB program which has the ultimate goal of airfreight becoming completely paperless.
  7. Full Shipment Visibility. Customers are updated daily on the status of their shipments from the Logistics Plus dedicated international air staff. Visibility is also available to customers through our online eWorldPlus™ freight forwarding platform where the “workflow and tracking” is updated to follow every flight so a customer can see real-time statuses of their cargo. Customers can also obtain spot quotes, manage inventory, run reports, and more, through the eWordPlus system.
  8. Evaluate Product Integrity. Having good relationships with our warehouses is an important distinction for Logistics Plus. For airfreight, we utilize warehouses for airport transfer which allows our shipments to be inspected “one last time” before delivering to the airline. Any sign of damage we see is immediately reported to the customer. As a result of our solid relationships with carriers, warehouses, and agents, damages are extremely rare in our experience. All of our people show great care for your cargo, and it really shows.
  9. Talented People. Logistics Plus employees are among the most talented and caring in the industry. We are available 24/7/365 via telephone or e-mail. If something is potentially wrong we know about it. That’s just one of the many little things we do to ensure your shipment delivers successfully – or, as we like to say, that’s how we put the “plus” in Logistics Plus.

If you’re looking for a full-service airfreight forwarding partner, look no further than Logistics Plus. As this article illustrates, we have the expertise, capabilities … PLUS talented and caring airfreight specialists who will help you from pickup to final delivery – and everything in between. Let us provide you with a Quick Quote on your next airfreight shipment, or simply give us a call at 866.LOG.PLUS to get the process started. To quote a famous song, we will be the wind beneath your wings!


Meet our LTL Freight Staff

Meet our LTL Freight Staff

LTL StaffLess-than-truckload (LTL) shipping can seem daunting and complex. Rate tables, freight classifications, discounts, accessorials, minimums … understanding your charges is hard enough – let alone knowing whether you received a good deal or not. Don’t fret, you have an experienced Logistics Plus team that is ready to help. Rate negotiations, pricing agreements, freight bill auditing … we do it all.

Logistics Plus has LTL logistics specialists located in offices across North America; but most of our coordination comes from the LTL staff located at our Global Headquarters in Erie, PA. Recently, we were able to pry most of them away from their computers and telephones for a quick photograph so that we could introduce them to you.

Shown in the photograph are (left-to-right):

  • T.J. McGraw – logistics specialist
  • Neil McCord – logistics specialist
  • Linda Swogger – logistics specialist
  • Kristen Rzodkiewicz – logistics specialist
  • Jessica Konieczki – logistics specialist
  • Julie Moore – logistics specialist
  • Marty Gloekler – logistics specialist
  • Anthony Pachell – logistics specialist

(You can also find any of these individuals using our friendly, online global directory)

This group coordinates daily with hundreds of shippers and dozens of the industry’s top LTL and specialized freight carriers to secure the best rates, create bills of lading, schedule pickups, track shipments, and everything else that comes with shipping LTL freight within and across North America. Whether you need standard or guaranteed delivery service, domestic or cross-border, LTL or volume … or even small package parcels – this team has you covered.

One way this group stays organized and efficient is by using our proprietary eShipPlus™ transportation management system (TMS). Customers who wish to self-service their LTL freight shipping activities can also sign-up for a free eShipPlus.com user account. With eShipPlus, it’s very easy to obtain competitive LTL rate quotes for multiple carriers in one, easy-to-use screen. The system also helps users create bills of lading, schedule pickups, track shipments, pay invoices, and run customized reports.

If you haven’t yet worked with the Logistics Plus LTL staff, give them a try by requesting a free, no-obligation quick quote on your next LTL or Volume freight shipment. After just one or two shipments you’ll quickly see how this group puts the “plus” in Logistics Plus by doing everything you need to save time and money on your LTL freight shipping!

Meet Our Truckload Staff

Meet Our Truckload Staff

Truckload StaffSourcing truckload capacity can be a real nightmare for shippers. It takes a lot of time making multiple phone calls to carriers, searching for the right equipment and drivers in the right place at the right time, and ensuring your selected trucker has the proper operating authority and safety rating – not to mention finding a fair, affordable price. Well, the good news is you have an experienced Logistics Plus team that is ready to help – from planning to delivery, and everything in between.

Logistics Plus has truckload specialists located in offices across North America; but most of our load coordination comes from the truckload brokerage staff located at our Global Headquarters in Erie, PA. It wasn’t easy, but we recently pried most of them away from their computers and telephones for a quick photograph so that we could introduce them to you.

Shown in the photograph are (right-to-left):

  • Bobby Rosa – truckload specialist
  • Colin Seth – truckload coordinator
  • Beverly Lazar – truckload specialist
  • Libby O’Hara – truckload operations manager
  • Abby Perez – truckload specialist
  • Amanda Gannoe –truckload specialist
  • Gary Picheco – truckload specialist
  • Jeremy Chaffee – truckload solutions manager
  • Craig Warnshuis – director, domestic operations

(You can also find any of these individuals using our friendly, online global directory)

This group coordinates daily with hundreds of shippers and thousands of national, regional and specialized freight carriers to secure capacity, find the best rates, create bills of lading, schedule pickups, track loads, and everything else that comes with shipping full and partial truckloads within and across North America. Whether you need standard or expedited delivery service, domestic or cross-border – this team has you covered. They can also secure whatever equipment type you need, including dry vans, step decks, flatbeds, and refrigerated trailers. Need cargo van, “hot shot” expedited, intermodal, or domestic air service? This team can do all of that too.

Securing reliable capacity and finding safe carriers can be a time-consuming and daunting task for many shippers. When you work with Logistics Plus, you get access to over 5,000 pre-screened carriers – all with verified operating authorities and safety records. In the rare cases where we can’t find the right carrier, we have access to all of the industry’s top load boards – and specialists who know how to use them to find the right carrier in the right location at the right price.

One way this group stays organized and efficient is by using our proprietary eShipPlus™ transportation management system (TMS). Customers can also sign-up for a free eShipPlus.com user account in order to obtain visibility to all of their freight shipments, pay invoices, run customized reports, and more. Since eShipPlus is fully integrated with Macropoint®, customers can also purchase real-time, continuous tracking information for their critical loads.

If you haven’t yet worked with the Logistics Plus truckload brokerage staff, give them a try by requesting a free, no-obligation quick quote on your next full or partial truckload shipment. You’ll quickly see how this group puts the “plus” in Logistics Plus by doing everything you need to reduce your risk, save you time, and lower your costs on truckload shipping!