Logistics Plus recently issued an announcement that its Customs Broker Solutions division had obtained Remote Location Filing (RLF) status from the U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agency. RLF status allows Logistics Plus to file customs clearance information at all ports in the United States from a centralized location (i.e., from our global headquarters in Erie, PA). If you’re new to the world of importing and exporting, here’s a quick primer on what customs brokerage means and how Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions can help.
What is Customs Brokerage?
Customs brokerage is the process by which goods are cleared through customs barriers for imports or exporters. The people who facilitate customs clearance are typically called “customs brokers” and, in the United States, they must be licensed by the U.S. CBP to be able to assist with imported goods. Customs brokers analyze the commercial shipping documents for regulatory requirements prior to electronic submissions to customs. They also must classify the product correctly to determine the amount of accessed duties and taxes, and they facilitate communication between the importer and governmental authorities.
Customs brokers in the U.S. are third-party agents who process and submit documentation to notify or obtain clearance from government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and many others. Customs brokers are not government employees but rather a liaison between importers and the appropriate government customs agents. Licensed customs brokers are well versed with tariff schedules that outline duty rates set by the government for specific items and regulations governing imports. Knowing the requirements of each type of import can avoid costly delays, fines, seizure of merchandise, and other penalties.
How do Customs Brokers become licensed?
As mentioned earlier, customs brokers in the U.S. must be licensed by the U.S. CBP. There are approximately 11,000 active licensed customs brokers in the Unites States today. Freight forwarders and third-party logistics providers (3PLs) must have a broker license to transact customs business. Each business must have at least one individually licensed broker to qualify for the company’s overall license (Logistics Plus has two fully-licensed U.S. customs brokers on its corporate staff in Erie, PA). Failure to have a qualifying broker for more than 120 days will result in the revocation of the broker license.
To become a licensed customs broker one must be at least 21 years old, not be a current Federal Government employee, and must possess good moral character. After extensive training, the candidate must successfully pass the Customs Broker License Examination. A candidate will also undergo a multi-agency background investigation and review, and an application can take from 8 to 12 months to process.
Why use a Customs Broker?
Most companies do not have the people or financial resources to fully comprehend the complex regulatory and technological requirements of customs border control and homeland security. A customs broker’s job is to help companies move their shipments seamlessly across the border and reach their final destination on-time while adhering to customs laws and regulations. If there’s a problem, your customs broker will work to get it fixed so your shipment can be released from customs and back en-route to its final destination. It’s particularly important to use a customs broker if you are importing items over $2,000 in value, if you’re importing a regulated items such as pharmaceuticals or biological products, or when time is important and you think there is a possibility that CBP may delay delivery of your shipment.
The Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions staff has the expertise and experience to assist you with the entire U.S. customs clearance process – no matter which port of entry through which you may be shipping. We also have agents around the world that can help with customs solutions in foreign countries. We even provide training workshops and company-specific training sessions to help companies better understand all aspects of global trade compliance. Simply put – we make importing easy.
Contact us if you’re interested in learning more about Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions or if you have any international shipments you’d like us to quote for you.
Logistics Plus Turkey Opens New Office in Ankara New Office Represents its Fourth Location in the Country of Turkey
ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA, June 11, 2015 – Logistics Plus Inc., a worldwide provider of transportation, logistics and supply chain solutions, continues to expand its global presence with the opening of a new office in Ankara, Turkey – the country’s capital and second largest city. Ankara is an import crossroads of trade, strategically located at the center of Turkey’s highway and railway networks, and serves as the marketing center for the surrounding agricultural area. The company also has offices located in Istanbul, Izmir, and Mersin.
Faik Uçkan, business development manager for Logistics Plus Turkey, will be responsible for growing new business in the region. Logistics Plus Turkey, one of the fastest-growing global divisions within the company, has developed specific expertise in the handling of project cargo and freight forwarding project logistics. Recent import projects include harvesters from Belgium, expansion joints from Spain, and boilers from Poland. Example export projects include steel products to the U.K., Tugboats to Qatar, and drying chambers to France.
“I am excited about the opening of our Ankara office,” said Bahadir Erdil, managing director for Logistics Plus Turkey. “Our project forwarding capabilities combined with Faik’s business development experience will open up new doors for logistics opportunities across the region.”
Logistics Plus Inc. provides freight transportation, warehousing, global logistics, and supply chain management solutions through a worldwide network of talented and caring professionals. Founded in Erie, PA by local entrepreneur Jim Berlin nearly 20 years ago, Logistics Plus has been repeatedly recognized as one of the fastest-growing transportation and logistics companies in the country. With a strong passion for excellence, its 350+ employees put the “Plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly, and the countless little things, that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success.
The Logistics Plus® network includes offices located in Erie, PA; Fresno, CA; Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Evansville, IN; Detroit, MI; Kansas City, MO; Lexington, NC; Buffalo, NY; Cleveland, OH; Charleston, SC; Greenville, SC; Nashville, TN; Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Laredo, TX; Houston, TX; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Egypt; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Libya; Mexico; Poland; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; ; and additional agents around the world. For more information, visit www.logisticsplus.com or follow @LogisticsPlus on Twitter.
Today three representatives from Logistics Plus rappelled “Over the Edge” down a 14-story, 200-foot tall building in downtown Erie, PA in support of Gaudenzia. Gaudenzia helps people affected by chemical dependency, mental illness and related conditions to achieve a better quality of life — allowing them to live as productive and accountable individuals. Logistics Plus (LP) was a main sponsor for the event; and additionally, the LP rappelling team was able to raise another $1,000 for the charity. The three brave souls that climbed down the building today included Logistics Plus founder and CEO, Jim Berlin; North American account executive, Andy Seidler; and international manager, Abi Lopez Kuzma. Another 56 volunteers from around the community are also rappelling for Gaudenzia today.
Logistics Plus continues its strong focus on employee fitness and wellness. In addition to being an American Heart Association Fit-Friendly Worksite, we also have a full-time head personal trainer on staff, and a complete fitness center at our Erie Union State Global Headquarters. However, that wasn’t quite enough for some of the Erie-based employees that had a few extra “springs in their step.” For that reason, Diana Sanchez from Logistics Plus International, became a certified Zumba® Fitness Instructor and started a new Zumba Fitness program using the company’s fitness center (with the full endorsement of our founder and CEO, of course). Based on the initial participation, the Zumba class seems to be an early success!
What is Zumba? Zumba is a Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements. A Zumba class—known as a Zumba®Fitness-Party™—combines fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body using an aerobic/fitness approach to achieve a unique blended balance of cardio and muscle-toning benefits. The classes, which are held at 121 West 14th Street (enter building at the main BrewErie entrance), are also open to the general public. For more details, please visit http://dianas17.zumba.com/
Are you new to freight shipping?
In today’s lean workplace environment, it’s not uncommon for managers to ask employees to wear “multiple hats.” Operations people may be asked to make sales calls, accounting professionals may be asked to fill-in for operations, or office personnel might be asked to arrange for freight shipping. This latter example might happen with greater frequency as some owners or plant managers may view freight shipping as nothing more than calling a couple freight carriers for quotes and then arranging for a pickup – but as many of us know, there’s a little more to it than just that. So here’s a quick freight shipping 101 primer for those of you just starting out.
What is freight shipping?
Although the term “freight” can generically refer to “a charge paid for carriage or transportation of goods,” in the U.S. the term most often refers to larger (non-parcel) sized shipments that move with a less-than-truckload (LTL) or full truckload (FTL) carrier.
LTL shipments occupy only a portion of the truck’s trailer, generally range anywhere from 150 to 10,000 pounds, and are often shipped on pallets or skids. LTL carriers normally have set routes where they routinely pickup and deliver their shipments. Local “city” trucks will make deliveries and pickups throughout the day. LTL shipments picked up are brought back to a local freight terminal where they are consolidated for highway travel. “Linehaul” trucks will then move full trucks from one city to the next, where the local city operation will deconsolidate shipments for final delivery. Because of the “network” investments needed for this type of operation, the majority of LTL shipments handled in the U.S. are handled by as few as 25 national or regional LTL carriers. When you buy LTL services, you are basically renting a portion of the trailer for your shipment. Because there are limited alternatives, negotiating good rates and maintaining leverage with your selected carriers is important. Working with a reputable 3PL/broker that specialized in LTL service can help you secure competitive rates and ensure you are getting good customer service.
Truckload (or FTL) carriers differ from LTL carriers in that they have no predefined network. Their drivers and trucks typically make a pickup and then deliver directly to the final destination (where they must find another shipment to haul somewhere else). Truckload shipments generally weigh over 10,000 pounds, occupy the majority of a truck’s trailer, or have some unique dimensions or handling requirements. Because anyone with a truck can make a pickup and/or delivery, there are thousands of truckload carriers specializing in all types of equipment: dry vans, flatbeds, refrigerated trailers, liquid tanks, and more. When you by FTL services, you are basically renting the entire trailer for your shipment. Because choices are unlimited, finding reliable and safe truckload carriers with the right equipment at the right price can be a time-consuming effort. Working with an experienced 3PL/broker that specializes in truckload service can help minimize time commitments and safety concerns. Experienced and reputable 3PLs like Logistics Plus will pre-screen carriers to ensure they have the proper operating authorities, insurance, and safety background. They will also be adept at using load boards and other transportation management tools to find you the right carrier at the right price.
How should I pack my shipments?
You should package, crate, or stack on pallets securely to prevent damage. Use banding, shrink-wrap, stretch-wrap, or breakaway adhesive to effectively secure cartons to the pallet. A freight carrier can void any liability for damage due to improper packaging. Be sure to stack cartons squarely on a skid, leaving no overhang. Make sure the top surface is flat. Do not forget to place labels on every piece or package. Because you are essentially paying for “space” on the trailer, eliminating or minimize any and all “dead space” in your shipment will result in the most economical freight charges.
What is a bill of lading?
Simply put, a bill of lading is the most important document in the shipping process. One is required for each shipment, and acts as both a receipt and a contract. A properly completed bill of lading legally shows that the carrier has received the shipment as described, and is obligated to deliver that freight in good condition to the consignee (the receiver of the shipment). Many businesses will have their own standard bill of lading. If not, your carrier or 3PL will generally be happy to provide you with one (in the case of Logistics Plus, we’ll even help you complete it and schedule the shipment with your carrier).
What is freight classification?
Freight Classification (“class”) is a National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) standard used to classify and rate commodities (items you are shipping) primarily based on their density and value. Each commodity is categorized into one of 18 classes – lowest being class 50 and highest being class 500 – based on four transportation characteristics (per NMFC): density, stowability, handling, and liability. Freight classification will only come into play when you are shipping LTL freight shipments. If you don’t know the freight class for whatever you are shipping, most carriers or 3PLs will help you make that determination. Truckload shipments normally move on a cost-per-pound basis based on the weight and distance of the shipment being transported, and therefore freight class is not required.
Who pays the charges for a freight shipment?
A freight shipment will move “prepaid” or “collect,” and sometimes with the added distinction that it is “third-party billed.” A prepaid shipment means that the shipper is responsible for the freight charges and a collect shipment means that the consignee is the responsible party. A third-party billed shipment means that a third-party (neither the shipper nor the consignee) will receive the invoice and pay for the shipment on the shipper’s or consignee’s behalf. When you work with a 3PL such as Logistics Plus to manage your freight shipping, all of your shipments should be designated as third-party billed. Good 3PLs will then audit the bills for accuracy and send you a consolidated invoice of all of your shipping activity for your convenience.
Is my freight delivery service guaranteed?
Standard LTL or truckload service is never guaranteed, so selecting a reliable carriers is especially important if your shipment needs to be delivered on a specific day or within a specific date range. Many carriers provide additional service options for “guaranteed” or “expedited” delivery service. These services will cost more, but sometimes they can be worth it for the added peace-of-mind. If requested, Logistics Plus can provide guaranteed or expedited price quotes for both LTL and truckload services.
It is also important to note that most carriers will not guarantee their pickup dates or times either. When you schedule a freight shipment pickup, be sure to allow adequate time for the carrier to arrive, ideally one day in advance but no later than 3:00 pm the day of pickup. Be sure to provide the carrier with your “dock time” or “pickup availability” time window so that they can arrive for the pickup at a time that is works for you and your staff. Some carriers are much more reliable with their pickups than others. A knowledgeable 3PL like Logistics Plus can help you select the best carrier based upon your needs.
What are accessorial services and fees?
As part of the standard process, freight carriers will generally pickup and deliver your shipment to or from a freight dock or a designated area that is directly accessible or immediately adjacent to the carrier’s delivery vehicle. Any service request that goes above and beyond that basic description could result in an “accessorial fee” being applied to your freight bill. Examples of common accessorial services are listed below.
Lift gate service
Inside pick up or delivery
Residential service
Reweigh and inspection
Cubic capacity or density rules
Collect on delivery (COD)
Fuel surcharge
Arrival notification
Most carriers will publish these services and fees in a “rules tariff” or a standard rate schedule and will make it available online or upon request. 3PLs or carriers with transportation management systems (TMS) technology will often have these rates pre-loaded into the system so that you will know when these fees applies based on the characteristics of your shipment. Logistics Plus uses a proprietary and powerful TMS solution called eShipPlus™.
What happens if my freight shipment is damaged?
Claims are handled directly between the shipper, consignee and the carrier. Logistics Plus is not involved in the actual claims process and cannot influence in the carrier’s claim decision. That said, because we provide a lot of business to carriers, we can often help expedite the resolution process on your behalf. You have within 90 days of delivery to file a claim with the carrier. The claimant should only file for loss or damage on the product which was shipped. Always be as thorough as possible in noting specific damage on the delivery receipt. This will help protect your interests later on if a freight claim is submitted to the carrier. Our logistics specialists can provide you with freight claims help and assistance with the proper forms if needed.
How can Logistics Plus help me save on my freight shipping?
For nearly 20 years, Logistics Plus has been helping businesses manage their freight shipping and logistics. Our logistics experts have helped hundreds of customers save significant money and improve their operating efficiency by starting with a free freight analysis of their shipping activity. Our eShipPlus TMS provides customers with powerful, online freight management tools with the ability to efficiently and affordably shop rates across multiple carriers, schedule pickups, track shipments, and more. All these services and savings help to positively impact your bottom line. And the best part of all — there is no additional cost to you to use our freight management services. Contact us for more information or get a quick quote on your next freight shipment.
Logistics Plus Opens New Offices in Egypt Includes main office in Cairo, branch office in Alexandria, and warehouse in Badr City
ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA, May 21, 2015 – Logistics Plus Inc., a worldwide provider of transportation, logistics and supply chain solutions, continues to expand its global presence with the opening of two new offices in Egypt. The offices are located in Cairo, the largest city in Africa, and in Alexandria, a large seaport serving 80% of the country’s imports and exports. The newly formed “Logistics Plus Egypt” operation includes a warehouse in Badr City just outside of Cairo.
Ali Khater will manage logistical operations for Logistics Plus Egypt, and Amr Abd-Elwahab will manage sales. Additional staff located at the two offices and warehouse will support customers with air, ocean, and ground transportation, warehousing, and customs brokerage services. The entire Logistics Plus Egypt staff will work closely with Imad Murtada, Logistics Plus manager of business development for the Middle East, who is located at the company’s U.S. global headquarters in Erie, Pennsylvania.
“We’re very excited about our Egypt expansion,” said Jim Berlin, founder and CEO of Logistics Plus. “The addition of Asser, Ali, Amr and the rest of the staff there has solidified our commitment to the Middle East and given us more local expertise in yet another important global market.”
Logistics Plus Inc. provides freight transportation, warehousing, global logistics, and supply chain management solutions through a worldwide network of talented and caring professionals. Founded in Erie, PA by local entrepreneur Jim Berlin nearly 20 years ago, Logistics Plus has been repeatedly recognized as one of the fastest-growing transportation and logistics companies in the country. With a strong passion for excellence, its 350+ employees put the “Plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly, and the countless little things, that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success.
The Logistics Plus® network includes offices located in Erie, PA; Fresno, CA; Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Evansville, IN; Detroit, MI; Kansas City, MO; Lexington, NC; Buffalo, NY; Cleveland, OH; Charleston, SC; Greenville, SC; Nashville, TN; Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Laredo, TX; Houston, TX; Australia; Bahrain; Belgium; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Egypt; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Libya; Mexico; Poland; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; ; and additional agents around the world. For more information, visit www.logisticsplus.com or follow @LogisticsPlus on Twitter.