More Projects from the Logistics Plus Project Cargo Team

More Projects from the Logistics Plus Project Cargo Team

LP Project Cargo Case StudyOur project cargo portfolio continues to grow as the Logistics Plus Project Cargo Team is keeping busy all around the world. Here are some recent cargo projects handled by our global team of logistics professionals:

  • Load a dismantled ship unloader from a barge in Taicang, China for transport to Grain Terminal in Haifa, Israel (normally only grain can be loaded/unloaded here, but we acquired permission under special permit from Port of Haifa).
  • Pick up 84.5 metric ton heavy gas turbine from storage area in Antwerp, Belgium; load to barge, shift to outgoing terminal, and load on container vessel for breakbulk shipment by floating crane; final delivery to China.
  • Pick up 94 metric ton heavy gas turbine from storage area in Antwerp, Belgium; shift to Rotterdam and load on container vessel for breakbulk shipment to Shanghai, China.
  • Pick up two (2) oversized skids in Zaventem, Belgium and truck them all the way to Skogn, Norway.
  • Receive damaged FGSS (fuel gas supply system) skid from Shanghai, China, and truck to Jiaxing factory for repairs. Upon completion of repairs, pick up at factory and truck back to Shanghai; ship to Imabari, Japan shipyard.
  • Collect various components for re-liquefaction system from various suppliers; export to Shanghai; re-import and deliver to Hudong, China shipyard.
  • Ship two moonpool hatches and components from Rotterdam, Netherlands to Suape, Brazil.
  • Pick up three (3) windmill blades each 67 meters in length in Jiangyin, China; bring them to port and ship to Eemshaven, Netherlands.
  • Pick up six (6) windmill blades each 50 meters in length in Tianjin, China; bring them to port and ship to Eemshaven, Netherlands.
  • Ship 32 brewery system tanks and supporting legs from Antwerp, Belgium to Namibe, Angola.

The animated image below contains photographs from the projects described above.



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Logistics Plus Loads Cryogenic Gas Tank from Turkey to Norway

Logistics Plus Loads Cryogenic Gas Tank from Turkey to Norway

LP Project Cargo Case StudyCheck out these beautiful photographs provided by the Logistics Plus (LP) Project Cargo Team. These photos are from yet another successful project cargo movement coordinated jointly by the LP Turkey and LP Belgium offices. For this project, Logistics Plus safely loaded a 24.2m X 5.70m  X 6.00m 105-ton cryogenic gas tank for transit from Turkey to Norway. Tune back in soon: We’ll be sharing a video of the final delivery too!


World Growth to Accelerate According to IMF via Armada

World Growth to Accelerate According to IMF via Armada

World-GlobeIf you’re looking for reliable, insightful, and digestible economic, political, and business intelligence, you should check out Armada Executive Intelligence.  Their Black Owl Report executive briefing system is a must-have for any business leader wanting to stay current on global news and events that could impact your supply chain. Shown below is an excerpt from the Wednesday 19, April 2017 Black Owl Report briefing with news and comments regarding the latest IMF (International Monetary Fund) World Outlook Update.  The IMF projects the world economy to grow at a pace of 3.5 percent in 2017, up from 3.1 percent last year, and 3.6 percent in 2018. Acceleration will be broad based across advanced, emerging, and low-income economies, building on gains it has seen in both manufacturing and trade.

Here is the Armada Black Owl Report excerpt:


IMF Table April 2017World Growth to Accelerate According to IMF. The IMF has released its latest World Outlook update, and it bumped up global growth from 3.4% to 3.5%. It left most of its 2018 outlook unchanged – primarily because of Brexit and a few unknowns that could affect global growth. To pull a few highlights out of the report, here are the items that caught our eye:

  1. From a geopolitical perspective, it would seem that Russia has less to worry about (economically speaking). The IMF sees the country growing finally at 1.4% in 2017 and 2018. That changes the negotiating perspective between Russia and the rest of the world. If it can grow despite economic sanctions imposed on it, then it has flexibility and the ability to maneuver. The global community could always ratchet up global sanctions, but it would take a lot more to get the world to move. Otherwise, unilateral action is likely to have less impact in the future (and therefore becomes a lesser deterrent).
  2. Emerging markets in general will see growth of 4.5% this year, compared to 4.1% last year.
  3. China outlook has improved slightly, but the IMF still believes that it will see growth behind its 2016 performance.
  4. India will see growth accelerate further, growing at 7.2% in 2016 vs. 6.8% in 2016. India ranks 7th among the largest economies in the world, but had just $2.2 trillion in output in 2016 (compared to China’s $11 trillion or the US’ $18 trillion).
  5. Growth in most of Europe was also lifted by .1 percentage point in 2017, but remained unchanged in 2018. The uncertainty of Brexit (as mentioned) is the greatest factor limiting the IMF from hiking growth expectations in 2018.
  6. Closer to home, Canada growth was left unchanged at 1.9% for 2017, which is still improved from the 1.4% growth rate experienced in 2016. Mexican growth was also left unchanged at 1.7%, down from the 2.3% posted last year. Uncertainty over NAFTA negotiations, weaker oil prices, and an unexpected sluggishness in global automotive demand has weakened the outlook.
  7. Lastly, the IMF is baking in some rough geopolitical conditions into several regions (you can read the full, online report here).


If you’re interested in checking out the Armada executive briefing reports for yourself, they’re currently offering a 30-day risk-free trial. The Black Owl Report is published twice weekly, with other valuable reports periodically interspersed. Click the image below for more details.

Armada Black Owl Report Samples

Need help managing your global supply chain? Logistics Plus has that part covered. Contact us for more information.
