by logisticsplus | Jun 7, 2017 | News
Here are some new WP$E radio interview audio clips from vice president of marketing, Scott Frederick, as well as three millennial Logistics Plus employees – Kelly Dempsey, Emily Grein and Garrett Bowden. Kelly, Emily and Garrett discuss their internships and jobs in Erie working for a cool, global company (click the images below to listen to the audio replays).
WP$E AM 1450/FM 107.1 airs Logistics Plus audio clips as part of its WP$E Partners for Business™ interview series. This is an ongoing schedule of comments by northwestern Pennsylvania CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders aired throughout the day. It includes news, information, and profiles of companies, industries, and professions directed to WP$E’s business and financial audience.

Creating local jobs and opportunities within the Erie community

Kelly Dempsey from Mercyhurst leads air and ocean import team

Emily Grein from Kent State leads air exports (and even deliver herself)

Garrett Bowden from PSU Behrend works on dedicated 4PL team

Engaging local students and universities through research projects
by Marketing | Jun 6, 2017 | News
Shipping between the U.S. and Mexico is not as easy as it may seem. In order to transport shipments between these countries, there are certain regulations and documents that must be legally followed. The most common methods of shipping goods from the United States to Mexico are by truck, rail, air and sea, or a mixture of two or more of these transportation modes.
Here’s what you need to know when you’re shipping from the U.S. to Mexico:
- An American carrier will transport your cargo to the border and deliver it to the designated carrier who has been selected / hired by the Mexican consignee (the recipient of his goods).
- The carrier receives your shipment, inspects the cargo, checks all documents and prepares the shipment to enter Mexico on behalf of the Mexican customs agent who is handling your shipment.
- The Mexican customs agent will formally present the Mexican customs entry on behalf of the Mexican consignee.
- Now it’s time for your cargo to cross the border! A third party transportation company will ship your shipment across the border, through customs, and then deliver it to the selected Mexican carrier’s facility.
- Finally, the Mexican carrier transports its cargo inland to its final destination in Mexico, the consignee
Here’s what you need to know when you’re shipping from Mexico to the U.S:
- A Mexican carrier transports its cargo to the border city.
- A Mexican customs agent formally presents the entry of the Mexican export customs on behalf of the Mexican sender so that the goods can legally leave the country.
- A licensed U.S. customs agent then files the U.S. customs clearance so that the shipment can enter the U.S. on behalf of the U.S. importer of record (the consignee).
- A third party transportation company will ship your shipment across the border, through the U.S. Customs, and deliver the shipment to the selected U.S. carrier’s premises.
- The U.S. carrier transports the freight to the final destination.
Here are the basic import and export documents you’ll need:
- Import /export form
- Commercial invoice
- Bill of lading
- NAFTA Certificate of Origin (only if goods qualify for NAFTA)
Every country has its own regulations and shipping requirements so it’s important to be aware of this information before shipping to any country. Contact our team of cross-border experts here at Logistics Plus to learn more about shipping between the U.S and Mexico.

by logisticsplus | Jun 5, 2017 | News
International Alert:
Dear All,
Four Arab nations – Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – cut diplomatic ties with Qatar early Monday morning.
Saudi Arabia ended all land sea and air contacts with Qatar, and the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt also cut ties with Doha on Monday.
We are still waiting on official announcement on the in-transit shipments from and to Qatar. Shipping lines and port authorities are yet to release any official circular on the same. For now, all shipping lines have refused to accept any cargo or shipments bound to Qatar, transiting through these countries.
Further, Emirates, Etihad and Fly Dubai have announced the suspension of all flights bound to Doha (Qatar) from 6th June, 2017. The air space of these 4 countries will also be closed to Qatar Airways, the national carrier of Qatar.
We will keep you posted.
Logistics Plus Middle East
by logisticsplus | Jun 2, 2017 | News
Logistics Plus recently participated in an interview with Inbound Logistics magazine to provide insight on pallets and pallet sourcing for our warehouses. The interview was with Sabrina Ragland who is warehouse administrator for the Logistics Plus Dallas Warehouse & Foreign Trade Zone (DFW). The article was written by Sandra Beckwith and you can read the online version of the article on the Inbound Logistics website using the link below.
The Might Pallet: A Supply Chain Powerhouse
A PDF excerpt of the article can also be downloaded and viewed by clicking the image below.

Contact Logistics Plus if you’d like our help managing your pallet, warehousing, and transportation needs.

by Marketing | Jun 1, 2017 | News
Intermodal shipping involves the movement of loads using multiple transportation modes (i.e., air, sea, road, or rail). Today, intermodal shipping often refers to a road-to-rail-to-road combination service that has enjoyed significant growth in supply chains across North America. The benefits of intermodal shipping include:
- A lower cost than standard trucking.
- Increased levels of security.
- Greater sustainability.
In North America, international containers are frequently shipped by intermodal rail in what’s known as “container well cars.” These cars resemble flatcars but the newer ones have a container-sized depression that allow two containers to be loaded – or double-stacked – onto the rail car. The loading and unloading of these container well cars is generally handled by trucks that run between ocean ports, rail terminals, and inland shipping docks completing the intermodal component of the service. The trucking that occurs at origin or destination is often called “drayage,” and is typically provided by dedicate companies or by the railroads themselves.
According to the Association of American Railroads (AAR), containers accounted for 91% of the 2016 intermodal volume in the United States. The table shown here has the top U.S. metropolitan areas for intermodal volume. Major intermodal markets have large populations and extensive highway networks, both of which are critical elements for intermodal success.
The popularity of intermodal transportation has been increasing, in part, due to the following trends:
- The evolution of the road transport industry in recent years: marked by the shortage of drivers, increased demand, and reduced capacity of trucks and rising fuel prices.
- A rethinking of the logistic strategies: through the pursuit of cost savings, environmental benefits and better results in terms of road safety.
- A strong focus on supply chain efficiency: lower and more predictable rates, flexibility of loading and unloading of goods, reduction of handling costs, increased speed of access to equipment and standardized transit times.
Intermodal and rail service takes millions of trucks off our highways each year, and its potential to play a much larger role in the future is enormous, both in traditional transcontinental markets and in cross-border trade lanes. If you’re considering adding intermodal to your company’s supply chain, be sure to talk with the intermodal experts at Logistics Plus.

by Marketing | May 31, 2017 | News
Companies that sell through Amazon must contemplate whether it makes sense to use Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) services or consider third-party warehousing alternatives to FBA. When making this important business decision, it is pivotal that companies understand the benefits of third-party logistics (3PL) while recognizing the potential issues associated with FBA. Here are a few of the problems facing Amazon retailers, and ways that 3PL companies such as Logistics Plus can help:
- Issue: Expensive fulfillment and warehousing options where the prices can change monthly
- Cause: Due to the decreasing space at Amazon fulfillment and warehousing centers, the costs continue to increase and fluctuate by month. Between the months of January-September and October-December, Amazon retailers can expect about a 265% increase in monthly storage prices.
- Logistics Plus Solution: By offering similar services as Amazon, but at a lower price, Logistics Plus offers more flexibility with packaging and warehousing, along with predictable and stable pricing all year long (see examples below).

- Issue: Supply chain visibility and unknown locations of products.
- Cause: Due to the high volume of products and limited capacities of FBA warehouses, products may become lost or damaged, leaving the customer wondering where their product is located or being held. When Amazon struggles to offer this valuable information to their customers, this can often lead to a frustrating experience.
- Logistics Plus Solution: Logistics Plus is able to track and locate products much easier because it is much smaller and more nimble than Amazon; and Logistics Plus warehouse management system (WMS) technology provides customers with complete, real-time status of products entering or leaving one of its warehouses (we support both LIFO and FIFO inventory systems).
- Issue: Product quality may become compromised.
- Cause: Many retailers may be selling the exact same thing on Amazon, but the customer always expects to receive the product from whom they bought it from. This may not always be the case with Amazon. Even if the buyer bought their item from a Florida seller, they may receive an identical product, but from a Pennsylvania seller. Although it doesn’t always cause issues, the chance of receiving a knockoff or fake product greatly increases.
- Logistics Plus Solution: Logistics Plus ensures that the your customers will receive the exact product they ordered, significantly reducing the risk of delivering a fake or incorrect product.
- Issue: Customer service communication and cooperation.
- Cause: Due to the amount of retailers selling on Amazon, the customer service responses can often be delayed. Buyers and sellers tend to have multiple questions to make sure they know exactly what Amazon is doing with their orders. Working through these questions, a retailer can often expect a significant amount of time on hold, often without final resolution.
- Logistics Plus Solution: By employing an efficient and cooperative customer service staff, Logistics Plus will tend to every customer’s needs. Whether it is a quote on your next import or a simple question regarding the status of your inventory, Logistics Plus will provides answers quickly.
If you’re a retailer that sells on Amazon and you’re contemplating third-party warehousing alternatives to FBA, then contact Logistics Plus. As an endorsed member of the Amazon Global Selling Solutions Provider Network, we know Amazon and we know Amazon Sellers well.