Logistics Plus Safely Delivers 13 Beer Tanks to Downtown Izmir

Logistics Plus Safely Delivers 13 Beer Tanks to Downtown Izmir

Logistics Plus Safely Delivers 13 Beer Tanks to Downtown IzmirThe Logistics Plus Turkey Team successfully delivered 13 brewery tanks to a factory in downtown Izmir, Turkey. Dimensions for this project cargo were 9 units of 22.00m x 6.66m x 6.82m each 31 tons, and 4 units of 20.00m x 5.11m x 5.25m each 24 tons.

The project required significant engineering and precision. 13 brewery tanks; 12 nights; 4 police cars; 4 escort cars; 2 bucket trucks; and a total of 42 people all in one convoy! Traffic lights, closed-circuit televisions, and tags on the route all had to be removed, and electricity had to be cut throughout the route for safe transportation. The route was to a downtown location, so the movement required accurate planning across several divisions.

We’d like to thank all who contributed in this great project. Here is a video showcasing some photographs from this project.

The First Annual Logistics Plus Employee Talent Show

The First Annual Logistics Plus Employee Talent Show

Talent Show EmployeesOn Friday, April 13th, 2018, Logistics Plus held its first annual employee talent show. The turnout for this inaugural event was fantastic and the display of talent was equally impressive. Thank you to Mike Callan for handling the MC duties and providing some great comedic relief. Thank you to our talented participants, which included Bethe Carlson (vocals), Tim Scharf (guitar and vocals), Ryan McGregor (guitar), Garrett Bowden (poetry/rap), and Stacy Rabat (vocals). Also, thank you to our judging panel of Gary Pacheco, Emily Grein, Cassie Nagle, and Molly Schoullis. Lastly, thank you to Tracy White and Heidi Smith for organizing the event. Here is a post-event message from Jim and an abbreviated highlight video.

Talent Show JudgesDear Mike, Cassie, Tim, Bethe, Ryan, Garrett, Stacy, Gary, Emily, Molly, Tracy, Heidi … Thanks for making our first Annual LP Talent Show such a great success. I was very pleased at the turnout (and Marty did his usual great job at taking care of us in the concourse) and I am sure that because of last night’s performance, next year will be even bigger and better! Bethe, thanks for being our unofficial music director (besides rocking Janis etc. I was HOPING you’d do her when I heard you sing your first notes of your first song). Awesome! Ryan, great guitar work.  (and I bet your singing is not as bad as you are claiming. Next year ?) Tim, loved the selections and the performance. Gary was right, that they were unique selections and you did a great job with them. Garrett, you know I’m not a big fan of rap, but your song was very well written and of course you did a great job with it (but who the f— is Scotty Chase? ?) Stacy, what can I say?  You are special.  And even though dumbass Gary did not know your second song, it is one of my favorite old time songs, and you nailed it. Special. Gary, thanks for being the spokesman of the judges (and you’re right, first time you’ve probably heard Tim speak since he’s been there).  You made the job for the other judges easy ?. Emily, way to buck up your teammate, Stacy. Lucky you—getting to hear her singing at her desk every day. Cassie, WTF?  At work you’re the cheerleader. Last night you didn’t say a sound. Shoulda kicked Pacheco in the junk! Molly, glad you got to meet (for the very first time) a bunch of our folks. You were the newbie there. Glad you joined the fun. Tracy and Heidi, thanks for making this happen. And Mike, terrific job, bud. I know how hard that is and you did great. (the highlight for me is when you called your Grandma a b— with your Mom sitting at the table next to me ?) (BTW, when you said that, I think I heard her say, “that ungrateful bastard!”) And thanks to everyone who came and helped make it a memorable night. I know we will never look at Bethe and Ryan and Tim and Garrett and Stacy the same again. SO MUCH TALENT (besides just moving freight ?). Next year, hope the rest of you can make it. You missed a great time. Onward!” — JB

Chris Oyesiku Receives Distinguished Edinboro U. Alumni Award

Chris Oyesiku Receives Distinguished Edinboro U. Alumni Award

Chris Oyesiku Receives Distinguished Edinboro University Alumni Award Congratulations to Christopher Oyesiku for being recognized with an Edinboro University Distinguished Alumni Award from its College of Science and Health Professions. Chris is currently System Development & Integrations, Team Lead for Logistics Plus, and an instrumental member of our technology team.  Edinboro University will formally recognize Chris (and two other graduates) during a formal ceremony and reception at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 20 at Edinboro’s Van Houten North Dining Hall.

A press release by Edinboro University provides the following details: “Oyesiku (’04) is a team leader for software development and integrations at Logistics Plus in Erie. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and minor in mathematics from Edinboro in 2004. Oyesiku has also worked as the senior IT software support team lead and application developer for Logistics Plus since joining them in 2006. In addition to his extensive success as a solutions architect, team builder and manager, he is also an entrepreneur for software and website development.

You can read the entire press release online here:


Vote Logistics Plus for the 2018 Top 10 3PL Excellence Awards

Vote Logistics Plus for the 2018 Top 10 3PL Excellence Awards

Vote Logistics Plus for the 2018 Top 10 3PL Excellence AwardsEach year, in its July issue, Inbound Logistics magazine publishes its definitive resource on third-party logistics and the outsourced logistics market. Prior to the issue, they ask their readers which third-party logistics companies provide excellent service, and publish the results. The results of this year’s 3PL Excellence Survey will be presented in its July 3PL issue. Give us your input and they’ll express their appreciation by entering you in a drawing for one of 10 free 18-carat gold Parker pens.

As a mid-sized 3PL, we know we’re a long shot; but we know that none of our competitors can beat us on Passion for Excellence! So, cast your vote for Logistics Plus today!

Turning Internships into Careers

Turning Internships into Careers

Turing Internships into CareersThrough its partnership with Erie Times-News and GoErie.com, Logistics Plus is being featured, once again, in the current issue of the publisher’s Lake Erie Lifestyles magazine. This new segment discusses the career opportunities Logistic Plus offers local college students through its ongoing internship program. A reprint of the feature, which is shown below, is also available online at www.goerie.com/lifestyle/lake-erie-lifestyle.

You can click the image below to see the larger, online version.
Turing Internships into Careers


LP’s Gretchen Blough Appears on Make Me Smart Podcast

LP’s Gretchen Blough Appears on Make Me Smart Podcast

Gretchen BloughA member of the Logistics Plus (LP) team recently appeared on the Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly podcast from Marketplace.org. Gretchen Blough, licensed customs broker and brokerage manager for Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions, was interviewed regarding her “front-row seat to the current international trade drama.” A link to a replay of the podcast is available below. Gretchen appears around the 7:20 mark.

Because none of us is as smart as all of us. Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly is a podcast about the economy, technology and culture. Hosts Kai Ryssdal and Molly Wood use their expertise to connect the dots on the topics they know best, and get help from listeners and experts about the ones they want to know better.

Marketplace® is on a mission to raise the economic intelligence of the country. Its core programs — Marketplace, Marketplace Morning Report®, Marketplace Weekend® and Marketplace Tech® — are broadcast on more than 800 public radio stations nationwide and heard by 14.6 million listeners every week.