Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions COVID-19 Training

Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions COVID-19 Training

Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions hosted the Erie County Department of Health for a coronavirus (COVID-19) training session on Tuesday. This session covered the facts, symptoms, tips and preventative measures that need to be taken during this pandemic.

The presenter was Rich Knecht, a registered nurse and the former director of public health preparedness for the Erie County Department of Health.

You can view the presentation slides and listen to the audio from the training session on the Logistics Plus YouTube Channel below.


Keeping Your Loading Docks Healthy

Keeping Your Loading Docks Healthy

Covid-19: Tips for Shippers & Consignees

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many truck drivers are finding that it’s increasingly difficult to deliver freight. Some drivers are being denied into buildings, some are being required to fill out extra forms and bills are being left in the back of trailers.  Listed below are 9 tips for keeping your loading docks healthy.  (Click the banner or thumbnail image below to download a PDF copy of these tips)


1) Ask Drivers and Dock Personnel to maintain the practice of “Social Distancing” and stand 6-10 feet away when interacting.

2) Make hand sanitizer, hand washing stations, disposable face masks, clean and unused pens readily available to drivers and dock personnel.

3) Limit loading and offloading, sort & segregation, routine inspection and count, and other dock activities to your own shipping/receiving personnel to avoid having drivers spend any unnecessary time on the dock.

4) Shippers – provide pre-signed copies of BOL’s and shipping docs on the freight, or in the back of the loaded trailer to limit interaction with driver.

5) Consignees – request that the driver themselves record the exact time of delivery, note any exceptions and obtain the name of the person who is accepting the freight. If a copy of the delivery receipt is required, request the driver leave a copy on top of the freight.

6) Many larger carriers have implemented their own forms of social distancing and rules of interaction for their drivers.  Please be understanding and respectful of new policies drivers may be instructed to follow by their management.

7) Many shippers and consignees are asking drivers to stay in their trucks and stay out of buildings completely.  This is a good way to help avoid contact all together.  However…

8) Please consider that many regions have closed rest areas, public restrooms, restaurants, dining rooms, etc.  Drivers need access to clean bathrooms and hand washing facilities now more than ever.  Please help make sanitary basic restroom facilities accessible either inside your facility or by providing external port-a-potties and portable hand washing stations.  The drivers that are serving you will appreciate it!!!!

9) Check the CDC website for updates: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/

To read more updates and FAQ’s, including what Logistics Plus is doing to assist our customers during this pandemic, click here.


Logistics Plus Coronavirus (COVID-19) Message

Logistics Plus Coronavirus (COVID-19) Message

March 16, 2020

To All,


Logistics Plus continues to closely monitor daily developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our team is focused on the wellness and safety of our employees, customers, and partners, and we will continue to provide relevant, appropriate updates as appropriate.

The safety of our employees and their families continues to be our highest priority. We recognize this situation remains very fluid. Our official policy is “steady as she goes” as we take this day-by-day, customer-by-customer, and person-by-person to get the job done – no matter what obstacles we encounter.

Logistics Plus and its 50+ offices worldwide remain fully operational and continue to service all our global and domestic customers while adhering to government and health regulations.

Our people, technology, and experience enable us to continue to support our network of customers and carriers worldwide. All our locations have business continuity plans and strategies to allow our employees to work remotely as the need arises.

We will continue to monitor global supply chains’ impacts and provide updates through our website and social media platforms.

Logistics Plus remains the company with a total Passion for Excellence™. Our global experts will continue to put the “plus” in logistics by doing the big things properly and the countless little things that together ensure complete customer satisfaction and success – even during these difficult times.

Upward and onward!


Your Logistics Plus Team







Coronavirus Message from Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions

Coronavirus Message from Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions

COVID-19-Msg-from-LPLSDear Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions (LPLS) Clients,

Due to the current climate surrounding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions has taken the following measures to ensure both public health and community wellness.

  1. All LPLS staff are undergoing COVID19 training with the Erie County Health Department. This will allow all staff members to be properly educated on early symptom detection and reporting.
  2. LPLS has extended usage of VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) and OPI (Over the Phone Interpretation) for all clients. While it is still our preference for in-person services, in the event this is no longer plausible LPLS has multiple options available to avoid any disruption in service.
  3. LPLS has simplified our translation costs to allow clients to provide up-to-date information to their consumers. Please send me an email directly to update relevant service agreements to reflect these changes.
  4. LPLS can provide linguistic support in the event your company decides to establish a questionnaire phone number for consumers. Please email me directly to set up the technological guidelines.
  5. LPLS is currently recording Public Service Announcements, in both audio and video to provide up-to-date information to consumers.  Please send me an email directly to update relevant service agreements to reflect these changes.

I also ask, in the event of an emergency you please reach out to me directly. I will be available to you 24/7/365.


Matthew D. Reichert, Esq.
Manager of Operations
Logistics Plus Linguistic Solutions
Office: (814) 464-1700
Fax: (814) 286-6995
Toll-Free: (855) 318-6348