Terror -Pure & Simple


As you may know, LP sponsors the American University of Kyiv (AUK) and has several interns from there visiting the US and working in Union Station in Erie. At the bottom of this post is an email from the President of AUK, Dan Rice.

We are also currently hosting a group of kids from Ukraine at our hockey camp here. ​Plus, we have close to 100 employees in Ukraine, and our thoughts go out to them today as well. This is the threat they have to face and live with every day, as there were other strikes on cities/civilians all across Ukraine just before the upcoming NATO conference taking place in Washington, DC, this week.

It is hard to believe that the nation that currently presides over the UN Security Council just bombed a children’s hospital in Kyiv. Putin keeps making all these bogus claims about his nation’s “cause”, but these are clearly just more vicious attacks on the population (and kids) to create terror, not an attack on any “military target”.

To me, Russia has become another ISIS terrorist state, way more than any member of the civilized nations of the world. I hope all Americans recognize this and that we stay united to defeat this terrorism that will not stop at the borders of Ukraine.

We stop Putin now, or we will be fighting him and his aggression further and further westward. The world made that mistake in 1938-39 and paid the price with World War 2.

Hopefully, we have learned our lesson then and will not make the same mistake now.

Stand with Ukraine!


Hi Jim,

As you know, the Russians attacked the main children’s hospital in Kyiv last night and caused many casualties.

I’m notifying all the sponsor companies so they are aware that the students might be upset. They may know families that have children or staff there. At least one intern’s brother works there. He’s ok but now treating the wounded.

Attacks on children always have a bigger psychological impact on people. All the interns know we have an AUK counselor standing by to talk to them, free and anonymous. This is the view from AUK…

-Dan Rice (President)
American University of Kyiv (AUK)

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