Introducing Logistics Plus South Africa

Introducing Logistics Plus South Africa

Logistics Plus South Africa (aka LP South Africa) officially opened in June 2021. The LP South Africa office will primarily focus on moving high-value products from the United States and the United Kingdom to the most challenging countries worldwide. Several Fortune 500 clients rely on Logistics Plus for shipping high-value equipment around the globe, and this region is a critical piece to the puzzle. Logistics Plus helps organizations meet vital project deadlines by taking advantage of our import, export, and local delivery services and sourcing and procurement.

Logistics Plus COO Yuriy Ostapyak commented on the opening of yet another global office. “Logistics Plus continues to remove the uncertainties of global shipping by having LP South Africa logooperations in the most complex countries. The new South African office can move critical products virtually anywhere globally as part of the growing Logistics Plus global network.”

Meet Clinton Barendse

Clinton Barendse

Clinton Barendse

Clinton Barendse is the Director of LP South Africa. Clinton completed his first IT diploma (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) in 2000 at the age of 19. He then left South Africa to start his career in the UK as a junior field engineer that same year. Twenty years later, after moving to multiple countries and holding various positions, Clinton joined Logistics Plus to open up a South Africa office. Clinton said, “To deliver a competitive and reliable service, we need to take a global approach by removing the ‘smoke and mirrors.’ Adding this new office and having boots on the ground in some of the most complex countries enables us to take control of the entire shipping process from start to finish.”

Clinton also shared the following about himself:

  • I’m a highly motivated and dedicated person. NO does not exist to me. I will always try to find a solution.
  • I enjoy the outdoors. Camping, fishing, hunting, and various sports (mostly golf and karate).
  • I am a dad and acting step-dad to four incredible children. I would not be able to do what I do if it wasn’t for my amazing ‘other half.’
  • You can connect with me on LinkedIn at

Rugby Sponsorship

As a fan of sports and community involvement, Clinton opted to sponsor a local kids’ rugby team. The primary schools in his province are currently hosting multiple rugby events, which more than 20 schools attend. Clinton noted that it was important for LP South Africa to get involved in the community to support the kids and spread the word about our new office.

lp south africa


Please email for any South African supply chain needs. We thank you for all current business and future opportunities, and we look forward to assisting you.


Autoclaves Project From Houston to Little Rock

Autoclaves Project From Houston to Little Rock

The Logistics Plus Project Cargo team successfully transported two autoclaves and work tanks from a barge in Houston to the client’s job site in Little Rock. First, the Logistics Plus team received the barge to the port of Houston. Our team then transported the autoclaves and work tanks to Little Rock river terminal and ultimately trucked them to the job site for final assembly at the factory.

  • The autoclaves each weighed 103,000 kilograms (227,000 lbs.) with shipping dimensions of (mm) 51,000 L x 4,080 W x 3,765 H.
  • The work tanks each weighed 55,800 kilograms (123,000 lbs.) with shipping dimensions of (mm) 50,500 L x 3,500 W x 3,427 H.

You can watch the highlights from this project in the video below or on the Logistics Plus YouTube Channel.


Global Logistics Alert: U.S. Tariffs Lifted on Ukraine Steel

Global Logistics Alert: U.S. Tariffs Lifted on Ukraine Steel

global logistics alert

Alert Message:

The United States Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the U.S. has temporarily suspended 232 tariffs on Ukrainian steel for one year. Ukraine’s steel industry is uniquely vital to the country’s economic strength, employing 1 in 13 Ukrainians with good-paying jobs. The thought behind this move is that creating export opportunities for Ukrainian steel mills is essential to the country’s ability to continue employing their workers and maintaining one of Ukraine’s most important industries.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, the Department of Commerce has launched a series of new export control restrictions on Russia in partnership with three dozen allies. These restrictions have severely impacted Russia’s ability to sustain its aggression.

You can read the full article here:

If you have any questions about the tariff changes, the Logistics Plus Customs and Compliance team is here to help.


Logistics Plus Appears in the May-Jun 2022 Issue of HLPFI Magazine

Logistics Plus Appears in the May-Jun 2022 Issue of HLPFI Magazine

HLPFI mag May-Jun 2022 thumbnailLogistics Plus is, once again, in Heavy Lift and Project Forwarding International magazine. Our newest advertisement (shown below) appears in the May/June 2022 issue that came out earlier this week.  Copies of this issue will also be available at the 2022 Breakbulk Europe conference taking place May 17-19. Members of the Logistics Plus Project Cargo team will be in attendance. Visit us at booth 2A41.

2022 Breakbulk Europe


Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPFI) is a division of DVV Media International Limited. It is firmly established as the leading media presence for professionals involved in the logistics of over-dimensional and heavy cargoes. Written by an international team of award-winning journalists, HLPFI delivers essential information about the movement of such cargoes across the whole range of transport modes. In addition to news, each magazine issue contains interviews with prominent industry figures and topical features presented in an easy-to-read editorial format. Visit them online at


Long-White-Spacer  |  projectcargo@logisticsplus.com1.866.LOG.PLUS

LP Belgium Transports Modular Vaccine Manufacturing Facility

LP Belgium Transports Modular Vaccine Manufacturing Facility

The Logistics Plus Belgium team successfully transported a fully functional modular vaccine manufacturing facility from Belgium to West Africa. Our team first arranged and supervised the handling of the modules upon arrival in Zeebrugge, Belgium. The Belgium team then transferred the modules to Antwerp for loading onto the vessel to Senegal, West Africa. Due to the sensitivity of the modules, the shipment had specific requirements that had to be met.

Although Logistics Plus played a small role in the overall process, we are happy to be doing our part to get the facility up and running. The vaccine manufacturing facility will produce up to 300 million COVID-19 doses annually. Logistics Plus Global Project Manager Frederik Geirnaert commented on this project. “I’m so proud that our team could assist with a project of this magnitude. The opening of this vaccine manufacturing facility will positively impact millions of lives in Africa.”


Logistics Plus is a leading manager of project cargo logistics services. Oversize, over-dimensional, or heavy-lift – we handle freight that the “the other guys” can’t or won’t, and we manage your project from start to finish.
