Putting the “Plus” in Logistics Plus – Hand Carry Service to Scotland

Putting the “Plus” in Logistics Plus – Hand Carry Service to Scotland

Erie to GlasgowPeople often ask us what the “Plus” in Logistics Plus means. Although it can be difficult to put into words, we often say the “plus” represents all of the extra little things we do to help our customers be successful – whether that means someone working late to track a shipment, assigning a dedicated resource to work on a project, or providing some training on trade compliance regulations.

Yes, these are all things we do, but nothing is more representative of the “plus” than an actual example. Many of these “true examples” go unnoticed and undocumented since it is just the way we go about our business here at Logistics Plus. However, from time to time, we get a customer who takes the time to acknowledge something special one of our employees has done, and it really helps shine a light on some pretty cool stuff our people will do to get the job done.

Take Emily Grein, a logistics specialist and member of our International services staff. On Thursday of last week, Emily received a call from one of our customer’s customers. Apparently, a production line in Scotland was going to shut down if a special part in Erie, Pennsylvania was not delivered immediately. Emily, with her passport in hand, volunteered to pick up the part, drive it to the Cleveland airport in a total snow blizzard, and then fly to Glasgow, Scotland where she personally delivered the part the next day.

In the end, the customer avoided a costly production line shut-down for which they were very happy. In fact, the external sales manager for the company wrote the following testimonial back to us to say … “We (all) endured a really difficult few days last week, in relation to supply of critical goods to a key customer.  I’d like to say thanks to Emily, who had a real difficult journey in getting the goods to us.  After a serious amount of hours traveling, with very little sleep, I couldn’t believe how friendly and pleasant she managed to be, at the point of arrival. …. I’m not convinced I could have achieved this.  It goes without saying, and I’m pretty certain you’ll agree, you’re really fortunate to have a work colleague and an asset, that is Emily Grein.”

That, my friends, is how we put the “plus” in Logistics Plus. Contact us if you need our hand-carry service for a critical shipment.

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Entrepreneur of the Year Hall of Fame

Entrepreneur of the Year Hall of Fame

Last week Jim Berlin, CEO and owner of Logistics Plus Inc., and Yuriy Ostapyak, director of global operations, both attended the EY Strategic Growth Forum in Palm Springs, CA where the annual EY Entrepreneur of the Year™ awards was presented. Jim and Yuriy both report that the conference was entertaining and inspirational and they brought back a lot of ideas learned and shared with fellow entrepreneurs at the conference.

The conference included many thoughtful and insightful presentations from well-known celebrities such as Ron Howard, Seth, Myers, Emmitt Smith, Jimmy Johnson, and David Robinson, as well as accomplished entrepreneurs such as Tony Hsieh (CEO for Zappos) and Patricia Woertz (CEO for Archer Daniels Midland Company).

As a very entrepreneurial company in its own right, Logistics Plus would like to congratulate Mr. David Hung, CEO, and founder of Medivation, one of biotech’s greatest success stories, for taking home the “2014 EY Entrepreneur of the Year” award. We’d also like to congratulate the many regional winners and finalists for their extraordinary achievements.

You can click here to see more highlights from the show, or watch the YouTube video below.


Of course, Jim Berlin is no stranger to the EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards having won an award himself back in 2004 for the Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Region. Jim is also a lifetime member of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Hall of Fame, a truly well-earned distinction (see image below, which can be found on the www.ey.com website).


Big Week of Media Coverage at Logistics Plus

Big Week of Media Coverage at Logistics Plus

People-CollageThis past week was a busy, and exciting week of media coverage for Logistics Plus at our global headquarters in Erie, PA. Earlier in the week Yuriy Ostapyak, director of global operations, Michelle Fontaine, global sales manager, and Jenny Melgert, Dallas branch manager, all participated in an interview with an editor for Supply Chain World magazine.

Yuriy talked about the company, our services and technology, and our general philosophy regarding people, customers, and projects. Michelle talked in more detail about our approach to working with customers and how we build and cultivate relationships. Canadian Solar Inc. was used as an example (which, coincidentally is also being interviewed by Supply Chain World magazine). Jenny was able to shed some light on our operational excellence and how we work to integrate ourselves with our customers and their supply chains. Both the Logistics Plus and the Canadian Solar articles will appear in the winter issue of Supply Chain Worldmagazine which hits newsstands in a few weeks.

Yesterday, we had the senior writer and managing editor for Business Magazine (a publication of the Manufacturer & Business Association) on-site for an interview Jim Berlin, CEO, and owner of Logistics Plus, Adam Mook, compliance department manager, and Gretchen Blough, licensed customs broker. Jim gave an update on the company, recent growth, and future plans for expansion – both globally and within the Erie, Pa. community. Adam and Gretchen both discussed our global trade compliance services and how we help companies with their import and export activities. In particular, they provided details and examples of how we help companies navigate the complex world of global duties, tariffs, and regulations through training programs and other dedicated services.

Business Magazine also had a professional photographer on-hand for the interview taking pictures of our people in action and in settings around our global headquarters (the historic Union Station in Erie, Pa.). A couple of notable shots taken were of our LTL/brokerage staff in front of the painted railroad bridge just outside our offices, and then an all-inclusive shot of almost all of our nearly 100 Erie-based employees in The Brewerie dining area – one of the great tenants that leases a part of our building. The collage above contains some “non-professional” pictures taken during the photoshoot.

The feature article and final photographs will appear in the January 2015 issue of Business Magazine. Stay tuned for more details on both of these media features. If you want to learn more about Logistics Plus in the meantime, please visit us online at www.logisticsplus.com or contact us for more information.


All-American Hose

I have been very busy lately and wanted to thank you for all your help with the shipments over the weekend and with the convention shipment,  I know you will say that’s (your) job, but still a big thank you, you guys have been great and a big help with everything that has been going on here lately… I will continue to call on you. Thanks again.

Marsha, Shipping, All-American Hose


Hero BX

I’m writing to you to  show my appreciation for the work your team is doing at Hero BX. Most specifically Chris caught a mistake made by Hero BX as a whole. This mistake if not caught could have resulted in our having a load rejected by a customer. This would have been a first for our company. We take great pride in saying we have never had a rejected load. Thanks for all your company does for us.

President, Hero BX, Erie, PA,