Logistics Plus Case Study by Armstrong & Associates

Logistics Plus Case Study by Armstrong & Associates

armstrong-and-associates-mainEarlier this month, Logistics Plus had the honor of hosting a visit from Richard (Dick) Armstrong, the Chairman of Armstrong & Associates. Armstrong & Associates, Inc. (A&A) was established in 1980 to meet the needs of a newly deregulated domestic transportation market. Since then, through its leading third-party logistics (3PL) market research and history of helping companies outsource logistics functions, A&A has become an internationally recognized key information resource for 3PL market research and consulting. A&A publishes the Who’s Who in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Guide and various other often-cited industry research studies and white papers.

According to its website, A&A’s personnel visit many third-party logistics providers in its Who’s Who in Logistics Online Guide. This allows them to objectively assess a 3PL’s operations and form a basis for the “Editorial Comments” sections of its 3PL profiles (which are available for purchase online). Dick Armstrong spent two-days interviewing key Logistics Plus employees, observing our operations, and learning about all the things we do to support our customers’ supply chains. One of the deliverables from Dick’s visit is a basic case study profiling Logistics Plus. That case study has been published on the publicly-accessible section if the A&A website and distributed to its many constituents. You can read that online case study here: http://www.3plogistics.com/3pl-case-studies/logistics-plus/ (or by clicking the image below).



2017 Holiday Schedules for U.S. Ground Services

2017 Holiday Schedules for U.S. Ground Services

U.S. Holiday schedules for Logistics Plus and ground carriers

As the holidays approach, we want to help you avoid any unnecessary shipping delays over the next few weeks. Shown below is the holiday schedule for U.S.-based Logistics Plus offices and warehouse locations, as well as the top U.S. ground (parcel and LTL) carriers. If you have any special transportation needs, or expedited shipping requests, please contact Logistics Plus in advance of the office closings noted below. You can use the Logistics Plus online global directory to find any of our people or our locations. You can also reach our North American freight division by calling 1.866.335.7623 or emailing us at nadops@logisticsplus.com.


Need help with any last-minute expedited shipping needs? Let us know!


2018 Third-Party Logistics Study – Key Takeaways

2018 Third-Party Logistics Study – Key Takeaways

In case you haven’t had a chance to read the 2018 Third-Party Logistics Study, here are some key takeaways from the results and findings of the 22nd annual report by Dr. C. John Langley and Infosys:

  • Global Results Have Been Mixed. Overall 3PL revenues, estimated at $802B in 2016, have declined slightly over the past several years despite increases in the Asia-Pacific and North America.
  • Logistics Costs Are Increasing. Logistics expenditures as a percentage of sales revenues increased to 11% in the current year, up from 10% the previous year, as a higher percentage of shippers’ transportation spend is being outsourced with 3PLs (reportedly 55% in most current year).
  • Shippers-Continue-to-Outsource-Logistics-ServicesShippers Are Outsourcing More. 61% of shippers in the study noted that they intend to increase their usage of outsourced logistics services. Domestic transportation and warehousing remain the two most outsourced logistics services; however, outsourcing of information technology (IT) services had the greatest year-over-year increase for the second consecutive year (see graph).
  • The IT Satisfaction Gap Is Widening. Despite more outsourcing of IT activities, fewer shippers are satisfied with these services; an indication that, perhaps, shippers’ expectations have increased as technology has improved or because shippers are seeking enhanced analytical capabilities to help drive more effective supply chain decisions.
  • 3PL Capabilities Are Expanding. As more conversations around supply chain efficiency have entered the board room, 3PL providers are refining and expanding their core competencies, which in turn is allowing shippers to focus more on their core competencies.

If you haven’t already, you should download and read the entire 2018 Third-Party Logistics Study.  The authors also share some perspectives on the impact blockchains could have on logistics; automation and digitization in the supply chain; and the logistics talent revolution.

If you’re a shipper looking to outsource some or all of your transportation, logistics, or supply chain activities, let us know. We stand ready to help businesses address their most critical logistics challenges.


Congratulations: Jim Berlin Accepts Smart 50 Honors

Congratulations: Jim Berlin Accepts Smart 50 Honors

Smart Business 50Congratulations to Jim Berlin, founder and CEO of Logistics Plus, for receiving his Smart 50 honors last week in Pittsburgh, PA. As reported last month, Jim was selected this year by the judging panel of Smart Business Pittsburgh to be a 2017 Smart 50 Award honoree. All 50 winners were honored at a special celebration on November 9th at The Fairmont Pittsburgh and featured in a special editorial report in the November edition of Smart Business Pittsburgh. In addition to receiving a recognition plaque, and providing some brief acceptance comments, Jim was also honored with his own star of honor (see photos below). Congratulations once again Jim, and thank you for your smart business leadership!

Smart50 11-10-17 02    Smart50 11-10-17 01

Getting It Done

I have known Jim and many at Logistics Plus for the 20 years I’ve been with General Electric.  He has built a solid reputation in placing the customer first…always.  Jim and his team are known for getting it done…period.  I never had to worry when I knew LP had it in their hands because of their expertise and relationships in the logistics space.  It is in LP’s culture to serve the customer.  Take a walk down the hall at Union Station and it will be apparent how close the team is and how customer focus resonates.  I always enjoyed visiting because of the energy level…very much like I experience every day at GE.  Jim will tell you LP was born from the rib of GE and I agree in how he runs the company and drives to ensure the customer is taken care of at every turn.

GE Executive