Christmas Day, we took a Zodiac ride around a natural harbor where we saw thousands of penguins and a few Antarctic Cormorants (black and white birds that look very much like penguins, only they CAN fly) and an elephant seal (big and scary, though on land they look so slow and sluggish).
But the highlight of the day was the Polar Plunge.
Now, if you have been following my blog at all, you know I did some prep for this (my good friend and prior Polar Plunger, Gordie Naughton, laughed, “Don’t waste your time”. He was right). All the practice that I did, getting into freezing tubs of water (thanks Brian, Craig, and Aaron), how to slow your breathing and “get your mind right” for the jump (thanks, Brent) all went out the window for me. I forgot everything I learned and did everything wrong. I swallowed some water, and instead of enjoying the experience, I wanted to get out as soon as possible.
Hallie jumped too. She was not sure she was going to jump (I knew she would–can’t refuse a challenge). And 148 of the 250 or so passengers jumped, setting a new record for this company’s cruises.
It definitely takes your breath away (if you let it–I did–even though I was told not to by all those guys who “prepped” me 🤪), but it is truly an “Exhilarating” experience. It’s one of those things it’s best not to think about/just do. It’s over in less than 30 seconds, and even though your body thinks it will not survive, it will (it is very safe–they have a crew ready to pull you out if you can’t get out yourself), and you feel good, even somewhat euphoric once it’s over. Most everyone who jumped felt that way. And it became a cool shared experience with your fellow travelers. Fistbumps (and shots of vodka) all around afterward. Worth doing.
And the good news is you don’t have to go all the way to Antarctica to do it. You can do it right in LP’s backyard in Lake Erie anytime in winter. Maybe during the holiday party the weekend of Jan 17th? 😉