Logistics Plus Logo
The Logistics Plus name and logo are registered trademarks of Logistics Plus, Inc.Terms of Use
The Logistics Plus name and logo are registered trademarks of Logistics Plus Inc. and may not be used without written consent or altered in any manner. Without authorization, these images may only be used only for editorial purposes (public newspapers, news magazines, trade publications, and broadcast media), educational purposes (teaching, scholarship, and research), and marketing purposes (agents, resellers, and customers).
To download a ZIP file of our logo in EPS, JPG, and PNG formats, use the links below. Please email marketing@logisticsplus.com for additional questions or usage authorization.
Additionally, a brand guidelines document can be found at the bottom of this page.
Logistics Plus Logo and Brand Guidelines
Logo with tagline:

Logo with no tagline:
Click here to download the “Logistics Plus Logos – No Tagline.zip” file