Community Service

Demonstrating our commitment to making positive impacts and supporting the well-being of the local areas we call home.

Logistics Plus is proud to give back.

We are particularly proud of the work our CEO and founder, Jim Berlin, has done to improve and vitalize downtown Erie, Pennsylvania – home to our global headquarters.

Here are just some of our community projects and charities:

  • Investments in downtown Erie, PA revitalization, include the continued revitalization of historic Union Station, the purchase of the landmark Skinner Engine building, and murals and paintings around downtown Erie, PA welcoming visitors and encouraging further economic development.
  • A local internship program that has provided valuable experience for nearly a hundred local college students and created many unique post-graduation career opportunities – including dozens of them here at Logistics Plus.
  • Annual contributions to United Way, with additional gift-giving by Logistics Plus employees through automatic payroll deductions.
  • Charitable support of the March of Dimes, including sponsorships at local fundraising events.
  • Leading fundraising efforts for the American Heart Association leading up to and including its annual Heart Walk event.
  • Corporate sponsorship of the Walk MS: Erie event in support of The National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
  • Annual sponsorship and participation at the regional Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • Support for the Barber National Institute and its pursuit of making dreams come true with community-based services for individuals with disabilities.
  • Annual support of Grady’s Decision charity, a non-profit organization created to help families experiencing premature births and those families with children needing specialized medical attention.
  • The underwriting support of WQLN – Public Broadcasting of Northwest Pennsylvania, Inc.
  • Our Erie employees regularly donate blood to the Community Blood Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania & Western New York.
  • Supporter of the Gaudenzia (Addiction Treatment & Recovery) organization through sponsorship of its “Over the Edge for Recovery” event
  • Volunteer for the Greater Erie Area Habitat for Humanity “CEO Build Day”
  • We have, and continue to support rebuilding efforts in Ukraine (where we have over 60 employees)
  • We support humanitarian and relief efforts for Turkey (where we have four offices and over 20 employees)
  • Employees participate in charity of the week prize raffles at our Global Headquarters every Friday, raising thousands of dollars for special local charities.
  • Many other local donations and support of memorial funds, fundraising events, community gifts, and family help identified by Logistics Plus friends and family.