In a global supply chain, timing and visibility are critical. So is selecting the best freight forwarder. Here are nine (9) reasons why you should consider working with Logistics Plus for your airfreight forwarding needs.
- Broad Service Portfolio. Logistics Plus offers courier, ocean, and air freight options internationally (for both import and export) and domestically. We are able to move cargo any way the customer requires (including ocean, ground, and rail). We have our own IAC (Indirect Air Carrier) certificate and our IATA/CNS membership allows us to ship cargo with all 250 air carriers they represent. Our relationships with the airlines allow us to negotiate our own rates which allows us to be cost-effective and competitive. Logistics Plus also has offices in 20 countries around the world which helps which gives us valuable knowledge and relationships for how best to ship internationally and which carriers to use. Our foreign offices are also able to help if there is a crisis in their area. For example, when a recent shipment was delayed in FRA (Frankfurt) our Germany team reached out to their local airline contacts to get the freight rescheduled on the first available flight.
- Customs Brokerage. As a licensed customs broker, Logistics Plus is currently able to clear shipments in the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis areas; and our license will be expanded to include all areas in the U.S. later this year. Additionally, we have partnerships with local brokers around the country if something specialized or time-sensitive is needed.
- Industry Expertise and Responsiveness. The Logistics Plus airfreight staff works as a cohesive team for all shipments. Their “all hands on deck” approach ensures that shipments move smoothly and as fast as possible. Airfreight quotes are quick and easy and can generally be provided within 24–36 hours. The Logistics Plus staff is cross-trained so that if one person is missing, the workflow isn’t disrupted as time is critical when it comes to air freight shipping. Our airfreight team leaders are always on hand to answer questions or address any potential delays. Having our own, fully-staffed global trade compliance department in-house as well, allows getting decisive and quick responses to any potential issues (our global trade compliance staff will even provide training to your employees if needed).
- Competitive Transit Times. With over 40 offices in 20 countries and additional agent relationships around the world, the Logistics Plus network is fully capable to source the mode and speed you need. Wherever you need to ship, we can make it happen (unless it’s an embargoed commodity, of course). We also work with a multitude of airlines that cover all destination airports. As a result, we are always able to offer different service options into locations no matter your preference – “less expensive and slower” or “more expensive and faster.” As a rule of thumb, we try not to offer any transits with more than 1 stop; sometimes it’s unavoidable, but that’s the best way to circumvent potential delays. Our knowledge of foreign countries, their holidays and weather patterns, also helps avoid potential problems.
- Competitive Rates. Logistics Plus is able to negotiate its own rates starting from pickup to delivery. If a customer has a “target rate” we can work directly with the airline to ensure we meet it, or get as close to possible. We are also available for our customers 24/7 to answer any questions they may have.
- Streamlined Manifesting and Invoicing. Logistics Plus bills electronically unless paper is requested. We are also enrolled in the IATA E-AWB program which has the ultimate goal of airfreight becoming completely paperless.
- Full Shipment Visibility. Customers are updated daily on the status of their shipments from the Logistics Plus dedicated international air staff. Visibility is also available to customers through our online eWorldPlus™ freight forwarding platform where the “workflow and tracking” is updated to follow every flight so a customer can see real-time statuses of their cargo. Customers can also obtain spot quotes, manage inventory, run reports, and more, through the eWordPlus system.
- Evaluate Product Integrity. Having good relationships with our warehouses is an important distinction for Logistics Plus. For airfreight, we utilize warehouses for airport transfer which allows our shipments to be inspected “one last time” before delivering to the airline. Any sign of damage we see is immediately reported to the customer. As a result of our solid relationships with carriers, warehouses, and agents, damages are extremely rare in our experience. All of our people show great care for your cargo, and it really shows.
- Talented People. Logistics Plus employees are among the most talented and caring in the industry. We are available 24/7/365 via telephone or e-mail. If something is potentially wrong we know about it. That’s just one of the many little things we do to ensure your shipment delivers successfully – or, as we like to say, that’s how we put the “plus” in Logistics Plus.
If you’re looking for a full-service airfreight forwarding partner, look no further than Logistics Plus. As this article illustrates, we have the expertise, capabilities … PLUS talented and caring airfreight specialists who will help you from pickup to final delivery – and everything in between. Let us provide you with a Quick Quote on your next airfreight shipment, or simply give us a call at 866.LOG.PLUS to get the process started. To quote a famous song, we will be the wind beneath your wings!