Welcoming LP’s AUK interns, Katie and Sasha


After a wonderful week in DC, and getting to meet all kinds of American leaders to discuss the situation in Ukraine, Sasha and Katie are finally arriving in Erie today where will be interning for the summer. Katie will be working with our import and export team, and Sasha will be working with our Government Relations team.

If you read any of my earlier blogs, LP is one of the sponsors of the American University of Kyiv and its first summer intern program. The purpose is 1. To let these kids get a break from the war, and 2. To give them some experience in western businesses.

This initial year there are 18 interns, with JP Morgan https://www.jpmorganchase.com/, Blackstone https://www.blackstone.com/, DOKA https://www.doka.com/us/index?changecountry=US and Caseys https://www.caseys.com/careers/life-at-caseys joining LP as first sponsors.

Next year the goal is to recruit enough new sponsoring businesses so that AUK can bring 100 interns!

As you can see, this is a wide range of businesses. And, as a side note, the sponsors we got to spend the week with were all terrific people, from amazing companies and I’m glad I got to meet them and to learn about their businesses. Judging from the warmth and excitement I witnessed all around, I’m sure all of us will help Dan and AUK recruit more sponsors for next year so AUK can reach their goal.

Both girls (I know girls is no longer a politically correct term–I apologize. But they are just 18 and still young girls to me) are 2nd year students at the American University of Kyiv. They are both very sharp, speak English extremely well and are looking forward to getting to know everyone and to work and to learn the ways of US business and of Logistics Plus.

They will be staying at the apartment in Union Station, sharing the historic train station with LP’s favorite permanent resident, Clara. (Clara is the 5 year old who fell down the steps and died here almost 100 years ago and whose spirit still walks the halls.  She is a bit playful and mischievous, as many of our folks here can testify, but not at all malicious. She will be good fun company for the girls here–but that’s a whole ‘nother story.)

In the meantime, please join me in officially welcoming Sasha and Katie to the LP family. Let’s make them feel at home.

Just as in the spirit of the recently concluded hockey camp in Erie we just hosted –another GREAT success–let’s give them a summer and a life experience to remember.

Welcome to LP and Erie, Katie and Sasha!


Welcoming Kate and Sasha

Welcoming Sasha (left) and Kate (right).


With Congresswoman Victoria Sparks, the only US Congressperson born in Ukraine. Kate and Sasha are the ones holding the American flag standing just next to Dan Rice, President of AUK.

With Congresswoman Victoria Sparks, the only US Congressperson born in Ukraine. Kate and Sasha are the ones holding the American flag standing just next to Dan Rice, President of AUK.


At the US Capitol.

At the US Capitol.


Kate and Sasha outside U.S. Capitol building.

Kate and Sasha outside U.S. Capitol building.


In the Capitol Rotunda.

In the Capitol Rotunda. In front of the statue of Ronald Reagan, who many credit with helping to tear down the Berlin Wall, to end the Cold War and the end of the Soviet Union. Many thought that would be the end of wars of aggression in Europe like we see in Ukraine today, but sadly were wrong. Hopefully soon.



Visit www.logisticsplus.com/berlins-wall/ to view all Berlin’s Wall posts.