Washington DC AUK Interns Day 2

The group got to chat with the staff of the leader of the Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul. I think both sides have found these interesting and engaging. The students get to hear “from the horse’s mouth,” and the US leaders get to see these kids and how much this struggle means to them, their families, and their country. And ALL agree how much the success of this war means for the entire world.

AUK interns

Our friend, Dan Rice, the President of the American University of Kyiv, and Major General Borys Kremenetskyi at the Ukraine Embassy. General Kremenetskyi works intimately with the US Dept of Defense and gave us a good history of the war as well as an update on the latest developments.

Dan Rice

Sponsors of the AUK internship program got to meet with the Principal Deputy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics and Technology, Young Bang.

Young was a classmate of Dan’s at West Point. They started there together 40 years ago—getting older, guys 🙂

Much of the support that gets sent to Ukraine from the US goes through his office. He, like everyone we met, was warm and welcoming.

Young Bang

Another former classmate of Dan’s, Lt. General Ron Clark, has just been nominated by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin as Commanding General of the US Army/Pacific.

More to come tomorrow!

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