Sidebar: I came back for THIS???


Back home in time to watch the debate last night.

I usually stay out of politics. Not because I don’t follow it, but because after being VERY involved in it for years, I’ve made it much more of a “spectator sport” for me, than being on any field of play.

I made an observation the day this debate was proposed (proposed by Biden, which I thought was odd for the incumbent):

I believed that they wanted this early so that if (IF) Biden clearly came across as too old and frail, and no longer up to the job, it would give the Democratic Party time to get Joe to bow out/pass the baton either before, or at the convention in July.

That’s not a sure thing by a long shot. It may or may not be right, and it may or may not happen.

But…from my own pained observations (a very sad day for Biden and for America, and probably the world as well) EVERYONE this morning is talking about the need for Biden to step aside for another candidate.  So it actually might happen.

Would be tricky as hell (Who becomes the new candidate?  How does it get decided?) But I do think it’s safe to say that:

IF President Biden stays in as the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump will be the next US President.

I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I do think that will be the case for sure.

I don’t think that after last night, Biden can win the election.

Of course, Donald Trump completely dodged many of the questions, said all kinds of things that were untrue, or at best half true, and was full of bombast and confidence especially since he quickly realized in the opening minutes that Biden was not up to effectively calling him out/cutting him down. (Honestly, the debate was more like 2 kids pissing all over each other in the school playground much of the time than any real, substantial “debate”.  Childish.  Golf game?  Handicap? 50 yard drives? Club champion?  WTF???)

But the good news for those of you who don’t like Trump–is that I think that almost any younger, sharper, ready to take him on could easily win, I think.

I believe that with so many Americans who don’t really want either guy to win, the contrast with someone younger would become more evident, and people would realize that the next generation needs to lead us into the future (for instance–90 minutes and not even a single mention of AI–the new technology that is/will soon be changing the world), not 80-year-olds.

So, back from Ukraine and the Berlin conference and smack dab into the US elections.

There’s an old saying, that many consider a wry curse:  “May you live in interesting times.”

We sure do.




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