до побачення (Goodbye)

A wonderful visit. Thanks to all who made it such a memorable experience. One that I won’t forget.


We were always in good hands with Zoryana.

odesa team lunch

With Ole (and his son, Sviatoslav) and OD in Odesa, sharing a meal after THEIR hard day’s work.

odesa beach

Odesa. Life goes on. Even with the war and constant air raid sirens.


A special treat meeting Pasha’s Mom and Dad.

ukraine team photo

Top row, left to right–Sergio Kovalchuk, Oleksandr Zatsarnyi, Sergii Sous (birthday boy ; ), Petro Onyshchuk, JB, Olesya Tatarinova, Oleksandr Kutsevol, Alina Lozinska. Bottom row, from left–Svitlana Korzun, Cool, Derek (also Cool ; ), Yulia Grischenko (behind), Oksana Onoprienko (in front).

Thanks everyone.

There’s an old trucker saying and since I am an old trucker–to ALL of you who made this such an unforgettable experience for Derek and me—

See you on the flip side. 😉

Onward! 💪


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