Goodbye to Berlin

Leaving today. Heading back to the USA. Derek is off to Ukraine again for a port security conference in Odesa.  Enjoyable and successful trip (the BEST combination).

Now to the work to bring actual fruit from the seeds planted here. As we know, everyone is busy. These CEOs all have their “day jobs” running big companies and they get pulled in 100 different directions. Will be key to keep the energy and momentum from the conference going.

While here, we had dinner with one of our guys from Ukraine, Valerii, and his lovely wife, Natalya. They and their children live in Germany but are from western Ukraine and are deeply involved in the struggle. It was nice to get some quiet time with them away from the chaos of the convention and all the related meetings.

I had brought an LP Ukraine t-shirt and an LP golf shirt as gifts for Valerii, but did not know his wife would be there and had nothing to give to her. But I have learned (please take note, guys!) that flowers always work.  So I asked Burak, the doorman at our Marriott hotel, where I could buy some flowers and he directed me to the lower level of the mall just across the street. Easy.

However…I had no Euros, but most places take credit cards, and this flower shop did too.

But…for whatever reason, they don’t take Visa credit cards, and that is what I had.

So…no go on the flowers.

I walked back to the hotel and told Burak what had happened. And it was too late for any plan B since it was 5:30 and dinner was at 6:30.  So I went upstairs to my room to get ready for Valerii and Natalya.

15 minutes later there’s a knock at my door, and there was Burak with a lovely bouquet of flowers for me to give her at dinner that night. Talk about above and beyond service!!!

As I always say, we/LP are also in the service business. And going above and beyond, as Burak did, is in our culture as well. Our trademark “Passion for Excellence” is what makes us stand out and continue to grow worldwide. From Day 1, nearly 28 years ago, it has been who we are.

So…whenever you think about your customer, think about it the way Burak did last night. You see a problem—you find a solution.

The LP way.



We met great folks like Jan Larson, representing Sweden, the newest NATO country

We met great folks like Jan Larson, representing Sweden, the newest NATO country.


G-7 Governments Name 18 Business Leaders, including Logistics Plus CEO Jim Berlin, to New Advisory Council for Ukraine

US Secretary Penny Pritzker speaking with leaders of the Ukrainian government.


A packed event. Sometimes seating was hard to find. So…find a way or make one.

A packed event. Sometimes seating was hard to find. So…find a way or make one.


Remnants of the Berlin Wall

Remnants of the Berlin Wall. A vivid reminder of how things once were here.


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy spoke at the conference. Strong guy. Also visited a local Patriot missile installation.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy spoke at the conference. Strong guy. Also visited a local Patriot missile installation.


Had a lovely dinner with Valerii and Natalya. What lovely people.

Had a lovely dinner with Valerii and Natalya. What lovely people.


Goodbye Berlin

Goodbye Berlin.

Visit to view all Berlin’s Wall posts.