Basar Kandil named Deputy General Manager of LP Turkey

Basar Kindil(As Announced Earlier This Month)

It is my pleasure to report that Bahadir Erdil, Managing Director of LP Turkey and LP Global Projects Director, has named Basar Kandil as Deputy General Manager of LP Turkey.

This is greatly deserved as Basar is one of the best Project Logistics experts in the region.  He is known and respected by all the folks who came up with him, many of who are now leaders in several of the big companies. And he knows all modes of transportation, not just “the hard stuff.” (And as Bahadir says, he knows EVERY DETAIL ?)

Basar is also a great husband and Dad (and is the opposite of Bahadir—very cool, calm, and collected. Ying and Yang. And wonderful friends.  LP through and through. We are lucky to have him.

Please join me in congratulating Basar.  Very proud and happy.



Jim Berlin, CEO, Logistics Plus