Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions Offers Peace-of-Mind

customs brokerImporting and exporting goods may seem like a daunting task. There have been 6 tariff changes already this year, along with 12 revisions to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSA). With constant tariff changes and revisions, importers may feel lost or confused. Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions can assist by providing peace-of-mind. Our licensed customs brokers ensure that you receive unparalleled customer service with personal attention to detail. Listen to these two WP$E radio audio clips containing interview snippets with Gretchen Blough, a licensed customs broker and Customs Brokerage Manager for Logistics Plus.


Clip 1


Clip 2



Logistics Plus helps its customers in the following ways:

  • We learn about your product and its function so that we know it’s classified properly.
  • We can advise you in filing bindings rulings, if necessary, with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for an added assurance that your classification is correct.
  • We can look at your bills of materials to determine the correct country of origin.
  • We can investigate if you qualify for first sale pricing to lower your declarable value.
  • We work with several law firms that can file exclusion petitions on your behalf if you qualify for exclusion from the new tariffs.
  • We match your imports against the Miscellaneous Tariff Act of 2018 to determine if your goods qualify for reduced or duty-free status.

By using the information above, Logistics Plus will be able to assist you in making better informed sourcing decisions. While other brokers may be larger, they cannot match the personal attention to detail that Logistics Plus Customs Broker Solutions offers. Our consulting services are available to any Logistics Plus shipping customer. Becoming a customer of Logistics Plus means that you gain immediate access to the peace-of-mind that comes from working with our compliance specialists. If you are not a Logistics Plus customer, you can also purchase our customs broker solutions as a stand-alone consulting service. Either way, we’re here to help!

Our team of customs brokers and global trade compliance experts will guide you through every complex step of the customs process. You can also email us at cbs@logisticsplus.com.
